As a former WAGGGS Advocacy Champion, I've had the privilege of being a part of WAGGGS’ delegation to the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65) this year. It was a new and amazing experience to be a part of a global team with so many girls and young women working towards the same cause”. --- Fehizoro Ny Fitiavana RAKOTOMALALA, WAGGGS Advocacy Champion [2019 - 2021].

Fehizoro, a 20-year-old Girl Guide from Madagascar, has been a vocal advocate for body positivity and for building body confidence and self esteem in girls and young women. As part of her role in the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality she interviewed team members from Argentina and the Philippines who would be attending a worldwide event of this magnitude for the very first time. She asked about their experiences as members of the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality - a global team advocating for action to accelerate progress on gender equality through the Generation Equality campaign and Forums.
Find out what these incredible Girl Guides and Girl Scouts think about it :
Mercedes Arnaude from Argentina, 23 years old

My experience as a member of the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality has been excellent so far. It's the first time I've been part of an event of this scale, and I'm blown away.
From weekly meetings to thematic workshops, I have gained knowledge, skills, a different perspective and also a deeper understanding of gender-related issues. I also got the opportunity to meet several really strong young women with so much potential. I'm fired up and
ready to speak up and take action.
Selena Gigena from Argentina, 20 years old

I'm Selena Gigena, and my involvement with Generation Equality has been one of the most enriching experiences I have had as a Girl Guide. This is my first experience working with a global team with members from 33 countries, passionately working towards gender equality.
I'm taking action on a local level while also elevating the voices of all the girls I deal with on a global scale. I’m interested in learning about all thematic areas of the Action Coalitions of Generation Equality and strongly believe that as girls, we must speak out and take action against the discrimination we encounter.
I look forward to advocating for change during the Generation Equality Paris Forum, and calling out decision makers to make stronger commitments. In this team, I feel empowered, supported and totally a leader to carry that out.
Zoé Vejling from Argentina, 25 years old

I'm Zoé Vejling, a volunteer member of the Argentinian Girl Guide Association. I've been a Girl Guide since I was 6 years old, and currently, I lead girls aged 7 to 9. I am a member of our Association's Environment Committee on a national level. Despite the fact that Climate Change is one of the GEF's Action Coalitions, I'm interested in learning from and working on all of them.
So far, I've been enjoying my involvement with the GE team, and have been particularly enjoying the opportunity to learn about and comprehend global processes and the various action coalitions. I've had the opportunity not only to meet lots of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from all over the world, but also to learn
about their realities, their experiences, and to share our experiences with them. Being part of this team has opened a door for us as girls and young women to raise our voices and give us the tools and support to make the changes we want around us.
Janelle Sargado from The Philippines, 16 years old

It is an utmost honor to be a part of the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality. It has provided me with new knowledge and skills, and is an excellent platform for raising my voice on certain causes that I care about. I’m also very grateful that I have met other people from around the world; that I’ve heard their stories and learnt about their advocacy. Above all, I am very thankful to be a part of the team.
I attended four pre-Paris Forum sessions about women’s empowerment and gender-based violence. One of the most important key takeaways that I picked up on from those sessions was to be resilient and to stay strong in harsh situations of violence.
As a Girl Scout, I will apply this value to myself and share this with all women and girls.
Sofía Fernandez from Argentina, 23 years old

Hi! I'm Sofía Fernandez, from Argentina. My experience so far with Generation Equality is one of the best I've had as a Girl Guide and I’ve been a member since 2005! I’m grateful not just for the spaces we have to get our voices heard but also the opportunity to learn about what other girls and women throughout the world are going through, to meet them and engage with them in such an empowering initiative as this one. I'm overjoyed to be a part of it!
Sydney Adelaide Castillo from The Philippines, 13 years old

The Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality are the most welcoming people I've ever met. Our meetings made me realise that I can be confident to talk to others. I have learnt that the campaign demands equal participation in political life and decision-making in all areas of life. It makes me more confident as a woman to know that I am not alone in fighting for equal rights.
And I am beyond happy to know that I can help other women by being part of the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality, and expand my knowledge on advocacy.
Sofía Hinojosa from Argentina, 22 years old

I am Sofía Hinojosa and I recently joined Girl Guiding. Participating in the Generation Equality campaign and Forum is a one-of-a-kind experience, and I am excited to be part of this change on a global level. I feel proud, and my goal is that everyone's voices can be heard! This experience introduced me to some strong ladies and young people. I am enthusiastic, supportive, and empowered to carry out my mission and make my voice heard. I am happy to be part of the change.
Joselin Flores from Argentina, 17 years old

Hello! My name is Joselin, and I'm 17 years old. Since being a Girl Guide, I've had many wonderful adventures but if I had to describe the most thrilling and exciting event of my life, it would undoubtedly be Generation Equality, with new things, discussions, and varied experiences every Saturday. I am extremely happy to be part of this team, and I hope to achieve more throughout this journey. I constantly keep in mind the slogan “Dream high to be that leader I always wanted!”.
Sofía Lucas Alanis from Argentina, 18 years old
Hello! My name is Sofia Lucas Alanis. I am 18 years old and have been a Girl Guide since the age of 8. Our Movement has always provided me with invaluable experience and tools, but Generation Equality is the achievement I’ve most proud of thus far.
Because of the WAGGGS Team for Generation Equality, I was able to hear and meet many stunning girls and women around the world with different backgrounds. Everytime, I am astounded by the magnitude of this occurrence. It empowers and encourages girls and women in issues that affect us, not for tomorrow but for now. I’m excited for the Forum, to learn and make a difference!