"WTD is a reminder to think of others before ourselves"

Maelle & Celine, Lebanon

9, The Lebanese Federation of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides



10, The Lebanese Federation of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides

My name is Maelle, I’m a Brownie in Beirut, Lebanon. On our birthdays, we invite all our friends and cousins over. We play, dance and cut a cake. I celebrate my birthday twice, once with my friends and the second time with my cousins.

This February, I want to celebrate my birthday at the end of the school year because I like to do my birthday beside the swimming pool where we can play water games. The game I like the most is spraying each other with shaving cream.  I also want to have a surprise cake, cotton candy and other yummy food.  The gift I hope to receive is a puppy.

I am from Lebanon. In my country we can go skiing in winter and to the beach in summer. I have a lot of fun with my friends. I mostly like summer because we don't have to study and or go to sleep early.

I feel like Girl Scouts are respected by all people. My favorite part is when we play water games. World Thinking Day is a reminder to think of others before thinking of ourselves.

Girl Scouts are respected in their community because we become responsible, independent girls. We also learn to save and protect nature, solve our problems and not to be scared of anything.

I'm Celine, I have been a part of the Lebanese Girl Scouts Association since 2010.Celine-Lebanon

I always celebrate my birthday with my friends at Girl Scouts. I always want to be part of the Girl Scout movement, even when I grow up. World Thinking Day means thinking about other people and helping those in need – because that is what a Girl Scout does. Girl Scouting has helped me learn about life and overcome every obstacle.

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