Find documents, toolkits, statements and more.
- All resources Browse all resources on the WAGGGS website
- BRING IN THE GIRLS! Girls and young women worldwide share their views on climate change
- IWD Activity Pack - 2022 An International Women's Day 2022 Activity Pack created by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
- Environment Position Statement This updated WAGGGS Position Paper explores the actions we are taking to address the world’s biggest environmental challenges.
- COMPASS 2032 Compass 2032 is the new vision statement for the Girl Guide and Girl Scout Movement: an equal world where all girls can thrive.
- GUIDE TO COMPASS 2032 This supports the Compass 2032 Motion Document by exploring the purpose and implications of Compass 2032 in more depth.
- GPN Activity Packs Discover our Girl Powered Nutrition Activity Packs
- Sustainable Development Developed by WAGGGS Europe, this document explains what sustainability is and why it is important to all of us.
- Speak out for her world An Advocacy Toolkit for girls and young women to start their own advocacy campaigns
- Capacity Assessment Tool This is a self-assessment tool for our Member Organisations.
- Stop The Violence Find Stop The Violence resources
- The "Listen to Girls" Game A new WAGGGS advocacy tool
- Greener Events For Her World A toolkit with advice to make your events more sustainable.