The 38th WAGGGS World Conference will take place on 26th to 31st of July 2023 in Cyprus.

Many European delegations, staff members and working groups are looking forward to the upcoming WAGGGS World Conference and therefore a lot of preparations have been going on the last few months.

Already during spring, International Commissioners met in Our Chalet to discuss this year’s motions. Also, the World Board and the European Committee gave updates and participants had the opportunity to meet the three European candidates putting themselves forward for World Board 2023-2029:

  • Fiona Lejosne, France
  • Monika Dreik, Poland
  • Signe Obel, Denmark

The Europe Regional Committee has been contributing to the preparations too. They’ve held several webinars for Member Organisations to come together to prepare. At the webinars, the Procedural Team gave an overview of Motions and the process. Also, guests has been talking about the Global Strategy and the Membership Fee Proposal.

Our working group Quality Guiding and Girl Scouting also hosted a webinar specifically targeting young first-time participants. Everyone found the meet-up very inspirational and are now excited for World Conference.

We look forward to WAGGGS World Conference and wish all candidates the best of luck.

38th WoCo

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