Mujeres jóvenes y voluntarias hablan sobre una serie de cuestiones relativas al ámbito local, nacional e internacional
Voces de todo el mundo
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Young Women's Think Tank
Young Women's Think Tank

The Asia Pacific Ambassadors Initiative
The Asia Pacific Ambassadors Initiative

How we can reduce plastic pollution
Blog from a WAGGGS advocacy champion on how we can tackle plastic pollution.

WAGGGS Menstrual Hygiene Day blog
For Menstrual Hygiene Day, two WAGGGS campaigners share their own commitment to Red Pride and the change they want to see.

WAGGGS reflections on CSW67
WAGGGS Advocacy Champions reflect on their experience attending CSW67

International Women's day 2023
Interview with Anna Segall, WAGGGS’ CEO, in celebration of International Women’s Day.

FAO Side Event: Q&A with Huldah Masese
Q&A with Huldah Masese, WAGGGS Global Advocacy Champion, and Girl Guide from Kenya.

Her World Her Voice Sangam
Her World Her Voice project at Sangam

The Academy 2021
Looking back at The Academy 2021

Youth Dialogue and WAGGGS
The Youth Dialogue and Representing WAGGGS on an International Scale

CSW66: Q&A with Rica Nagashima
Q&A with Rica Nagashima, WAGGGS Global Advocacy Champion, and Girl Scout from Japan.

6 steps to become a leader & changemaker
As a participant of the Helen Storrow Seminar 2021, Pamela Kiambi from Kenya talks about being an environment enthusiast and shares 6 steps to becoming a leader and changemaker.

My Journey in Guiding
Mbali on the Her World Her Voice project and the importance on having young people leadership positions

The impact of women taking the lead
A blog by Motunrayo Akinsete, Country Programme Manager, 'Her World, Her Voice' programme - Nigeria

I am my own seed
15 year old Lauren Almalvez of Girl Scouts of the USA shares the story behind her environmental project "Ecojunkie Toolbox"

Plastic Tide Turners Challenge
Palwasha's blog on her experience of the Tide Turners Plastic Challenge 'Wavemakers' advocacy training

L'AMGS en el Foro de Igualdad Generacion
Las Defensoras de la Juventud de la AMGS piden a los responsables de tomar decisiones que dejen a las jóvenes codirigir

Jump on the Train
Jump on the train – Stephanie's journey with WAGGGS' Europe Region Committee

A day in the life of a doctor
Girl Guide Estrella from Mexico shares her experience as a student volunteer doctor, working during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Masks Sewn With Love” project
Girl Guides Singapore help vulnerable groups through their spin-off “Masks Sewn With Love” project.

CSW65 Highlights
18 year-old 'Advocacy Champion' Dorothy recounts her experiences of CSW65

Silver linings project
Girl Scout Megan is a passionate artist, who has found new ways to put her skills to use during the COVID-19 pandemic.

WTD - peace and Guiding in Rwanda
World Thinking Day - peace and Guiding in Rwanda

Polish Girl Guide wins Solidarity Prize
Polish Girl Guide wins Solidarity Prize for domestic abuse project

Happy World Thinking Day 2021
Happy World Thinking Day 2021

The European Youth Forum went online!
The Online General Assembly of the European Youth Forum took place 20th-22nd November

A blog on gender-based violence in Kenya
For 16 Days of Activism, Argie Muriuki a Guide from the Kenya Girl Guides Association reports on media Sensationalism, victim-blaming and femicide in Kenya.

Ending gender-based violence in Ghana
Blog about ending gender-based violence in Ghana.

Thoughts from Europe Region Chair Eline
Eline shares her thoughts on 2020 so far

European Youth Forum Nomination
Nomination for Vice President (INGYO) of the European Youth Forum

A blog from Beirut, Lebanon
Yasmine, a Girl Guide from Lebanon, talks about the efforts of Guides and Scouts rebuilding her city

Empowering girls to advocate
Angelika Joy Binas is a Girl Scout and Advocacy Champion for Girl Powered Nutrition (GPN) in the Philippines.

Ending the Culture of Gender Inequality
Kathleen Vivas is a Girl Scout and Advocacy Champion for Girl Powered Nutrition (GPN) in the Philippines.

Menstruation should not restrict options
Nirmala is a Girl Scout from Nepal. She introduces the Freedom Kit Bag

Blog: Breaking the silence on periods
Sonakhi, India, is a Young Women’s Advocacy Champion taking part in the Action on Body Confidence programme partnership by Dove and WAGGGS.

Blog: Being a YESS Girl During COVID-19
Faustine is one of this years 2020 YESS Girls programme participants. Here is her account of being a YESS Girl during challenging times.

Blog: Educating on gender-based violence
YESS Girls in campaign against gender-based violence

Día de la Tierra 2020
Un blog de Solène, guía francesa y representante de AMGS sobre el tema de la biodiversidad.

Responding to the Covid-19 crisis
European guides and girl scouts respond to the Covid-19 crisis

Healthcare professionals - the heroes
A blog by Nikayla Karell Odi, youth advocate and peer educator of Youth Advocates for the Philippines and Senior Girl Scout of Girl Scouts of the Philippines for World Health Day 2020

Women are Not Doraemon
A blog by Tan Ejin on gender equality in Malaysia

A taste of freedom
Pamela, from Kenya, is a Youth Engagement Unit leader and Trainer, and an advocate for gender equality in her country and across Africa.

Women Economic Forum 2020
Petra Stipanic reports from the Women Economic Forum in Ljubljana (Slovenia)

What girls wear, or how they look
Last week, a UK Member of Parliament, Tracy Brabin MP, hit the news not for her policies but for her outfit.

Gender equality to scale up nutrition
Jade Delgado is a Girl Scout and Advocacy Champion for Girl Powered Nutrition (GPN) in the Philippines.

JLS: A view from Ireland Hub
JLS: A celebration of the visionary leader, instrumental in WAGGGS’ history and development to create Girl Scouts USA.

Through Her Eyes
Francine Beatriz Pradez, Girl Scouts of the Philippines, is a Former Alternate Regional Girl Representative to the Central Board and Girl Powered Nutrition National Advocacy Champion.

WAGGGS Europe Wall of Women
Are you a young woman in a decision making role within your Membership Organisation? If so, we would like to hear from you!

Every Day is Menstrual Hygiene Day
Two years ago, Sonakhi Rumi, an 18 year old ranger (senior guide) from India, had her period when she was taking her 10th grade exam.

Representing WAGGGS at the EYF
Two of our Europe Region Volunteers represented us at the Council of Members of the European Youth Forum

Introducing Pippa Gardner
Pippa Gardner is nominated as a candidate for the Advisory Council on Youth by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

Raising nutrition awareness in Sri Lanka
Nabeela Iqbal, Sri Lanka

Guiding gives me the extra push I need
Kellysya, Malaysia

Guiding has opened my eyes
Lucia Ruvarashe Ndanga, Zimbabwe/Uganda

We’re all part of a sisterhood
Rachael’s view of the Guides is hugely optimistic, and in some ways really quite simple.

I found my place in the world
Guiding has a vital role in helping her country develop, and build better opportunities for women.

Network Meeting 2019
Advocacy, peer education, active citizenship, youth rights, skills development and new friends were on the agenda with over 50 participants at the network meeting in Brussels 2019.

The skills Rosalyn will bring to the YFJ
In her final blog post before the General Assembly, our candidate for the Board of the European Youth Forum, Rosalyn Old, outlines the key skills she would bring to the Board including enthusiasm, her dedication to making change happen and representing the voice of young women.

Ines, Portugal
Quiero que seamos la última generación con historias #metoo para compartir.

Good governance is the key
As the General Assembly of the European Youth Forum is getting closer (taking place 22-24 November in Novi Sad, Serbia), our candidate for the Board, Rosalyn Old, continues to share her priorities should she elected to the Board. In this blog, Rosalyn discusses the importance of governance and her ideas for creating the next strategy of the European Youth Forum!

Building a generation of leaders
Hanitra delves on why nutrition for girls in Madagascar is so important and how Girl Powered Nutrition and the SUN Youth Leader for Nutrition programme can make a difference.

Jade from Philippines on nutrition
Jade, a Girl Scout from the Philippines, shares her experiences from the Youth Leader for Nutrition programme and how she is supporting the Girl Powered Nutrition in her country.

Representing young women
At WAGGGS we work every day to champion the rights of girls and young women and to empower them to change the world around them. On this International Day of the Girl, I’m going to share with you one of the key ways in which we ensure that the voices of our members are heard - through the European Youth Forum.

Rachel, 16, Nueva Zelanda

Los refugiados siempre tendrán un hogar
Los refugiados siempre tendrán un hogar en el Guidismo y Escultismo Femenino

Hannah, 19, Reino Unido
Praise Adeyemo, Nigeria
Quiero ver una sociedad incluyente – libre de estereotipos de raza, color, educación, clase o estatus.

Estamos aquí. Somos chicas rurales.
Estamos aquí. Somos chicas rurales.
Helga, 27, Tanzania
Beliefs and traditions that undermine women should be completely eliminated.

Roverway - Gender and Diversity Toolkit
The Europe Region launches new Gender and Diversity mainstreaming toolkit

Odonie, Rwanda
"Girl Guiding contributes a lot to my community. We don’t just have fun; we seek solutions to problems."

Roverway 2018 - highlights
Read about week one of Roverway 2018!
Dua, Pakistan
"Women here face many difficulties and problems, but we remain strong"

Dreaming the Way to Roverway 2018
More than 60 volunteers from WAGGGS Member Organisations around the world gathered in Soest, The Netherlands, to prepare for Roverway taking place in July 2018.

Queen Máxima at Roverway kick-off
Queen Máxima visited Scoutinggroep Hubertus Brandaan in Voorburg on 10th July for the kick-off of Roverway 2018

Guiding means being an active citizen
Guiding means being an active citizen

Ozeh, Nigeria
Growing up as a Girl Guide is exciting

"We help our community"
"We help our community by performing many tasks"
At Brownies I learn to help my neighbour
At Brownies I learn to help my neighbours
"En Barbados, las niñas tienen las misma
"En Barbados, las niñas tienen las mismas oportunidades que los niños"

Youngseo, South Korea
Girl Scouts serve my school and community

"Think of others before ourselves"
"WTD is a reminder to think of others before ourselves"

"I feel proud to be a girl guide"
"I feel proud to be a girl guide"
Heena, 18, India
"As a Guide I have been given values and ethics which have helped me to grow up and become more independent"

Roverway 2018 - day one at main camp
Valentina from Chile shares her experience at Roverway

WAGGGS goes to YO!fest
WAGGGS volunteers took part in YO!fest 2018 with thousands of other young Europeans. Want to know what we did there?

"Being a Brownie is really fun"
"Being a Brownie is really fun"

Megan Hunt, New Zealand
"Running long distances has always been something I hated, I just believed it was something I couldn’t do – so wouldn’t try. But then WAGGGS was looking for runners so I signed on."

Representing Millions at the UN
Linda’s journey—from the YESS (Youth Exchange South to South) programme to representing the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) at major global events like the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) and the UN Summit of the Future—illustrates how young women can turn local impact into global advocacy.

Veronica, 17, Palestine
"Guiding groups have a great, positive impact"

Day 2 at Yo!Fest
The Europe Region External Relations team had another exciting day of activities and events at Yo!Fest in Strasbourg.