My name is Pamela Kiambi from Kenya. I am one of the participants of the Helen Storrow Seminar 2021. I decided to take part in the seminar because I am an environment enthusiast, passionate about environment conservation. I want to contribute to creating an equitable, nature-positive, carbon-neutral world.
In this year's Helen Storrow Seminar, we learned a lot about leadership. Do you consider yourself a leader? Or have you ever admired people for being leaders? Growing up, I always thought that leadership was a gift, a trait you are born with. Well, I didn’t have more thoughts about leadership than a position given only to the deserving. In guiding, I discovered everyone is a leader in their ways and their own space. I realized that from time to time you practice leadership; from leading a class to leading community action. A leader is a change maker!
Participating in the Helen Storrow Seminar has been life-changing. Joining other young leaders from all over the world and sharing ideas, I can confidently say I am not the same. Knowledge and insight from great leaders and facilitators have completely changed my perception. I have learned to ask the big question: ‘what makes me a leader and a change maker’. A leader is a learner who continuously draws knowledge from others and uses the knowledge and experiences to make a difference in the world. Here are six steps to becoming a leader and a change maker.
Discover what makes you a leader
Reflect on your values and behaviours that make you a good leader. Do not only think about your weaknesses and failures but also your strengths and lessons learned. Leadership starts from within. Build your confidence inwardly and focus on becoming a good leader.
Capitalize on the "we"
Leadership is not about who is in charge! Recognize that everyone is a leader in their own way and that they deserve a chance to practice leadership. You should be ready and willing to listen to others since leadership is a shared practice. Learn to appreciate other people’s ideas.
Cultivate creativity in your work
We practice leadership daily. Do things differently to inspire your audience more. Develop innovative ideas to solutions by acquiring diverse skills and techniques from your team to foster shared empowerment.
Have an in-depth understanding of your surrounding
Understand your local context to know the kind of approach to give. Leadership will require you to get out of your comfort zone. Use positive leadership values and techniques to create a lasting positive impact in your community.
Be gender-conscious
A changemaker is not biased when it comes to gender. Their main goal is always to create a positive impact in the world. Understand that despite a person’s gender, working together is key to promoting a more equal world.
Take a responsible action
Be proactive to become a changemaker in your community. You need to take responsible action to address issues affecting you and your community. You can do this by advocating for change by targeting decision makers, starting an initiative or project. Be a change agent!