The European Youth Forum went online!

The Online General Assembly of the European Youth Forum took place 20th-22nd November

From 20th to 22nd November 2020, the Online General Assembly of the European Youth Forum took place, where our volunteers from the External Relations Team Helene, Elena and Vera represented WAGGGS.

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The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is a an organisation that brings international non-governmental youth organisations and national youth councils across Europe together. This way they can collaboratively be the voice of young people in Europe, aiming to create a positive change in young people’s lives in Europe. As member organisation, WAGGGS participates in the YFJ’s Council of Members and General Assembly, to advocate for the rights of girls and young women

Just like everything else in life at the moment, the European Youth Forum needed to adapt to the ‘new normal’ during this pandemic too. This meant that the General Assembly planned for last November needed to move online. Representatives from the member organisations didn’t get together in a central place in Europe this time, like they normally would’ve, but instead all joined the gathering from the comfort of their own homes.

With online sessions to discuss motions and amendments prior to the weekend, ‘Made in MO’s’ sessions where member organisations could share their best practices and online voting for policy papers and the new board, it was a very fruitful weekend. With an online ‘social space’ where you could create your character, walk around and have a chat, it almost resembled an actual get together.

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As WAGGGS, we are very happy to see that a resolution on combating gender-based violence was successfully adopted by the YFJ. Besides this, also resolutions on the abolition of death penalty measures in Belarus, combating antigypsyism and the inclusion and equal participation of Roma Youth and a motion on the Erasmus+ Successor Programme successfully passed in this General Assembly. Furthermore, two new policy papers were adopted: The Policy Paper on Quality Youth Participation and Representation in Institutions and the Policy Paper on Youth, Peace & Security.

If you’re curious who the newly elected board members are, check it out here!

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