"Growing up as a Girl Guide is exciting"

Ozeh, Nigeria

Ozeh Sandra

13, Nigerian Girl Guides Association

I’m a 13-year-old Girl Guide from Nigeria. In my area birthdays are based on individual financial status. Birthdays in my family include special prayers and birthday cake. 

On 22 February I will invite friends and other Guides over, then prepare rice, chicken, salad and drinks. As usual, I will wear my Guide uniform; I expect to receive gifts, such as a phone, watch, dresses, shoes and money.

My country, Nigeria, is blessed with natural resources, but recently violence against women, child trafficking, child labour, sexual violence and killings have increased. I pray God will help our country.

Growing up as a Girl Guide is exciting.Ozeh-Nigeria

World Thinking Day means a lot to me. First, it is a great day which celebrates the founders of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Lord Robert and Lady Olave Baden Powell. Second, I am very grateful to have the same birthday as our founders. 

I am a Nigerian, native of Akpugo in Nkanu West, the local government area of Enugu State. To be a Girl Guide where I live has brought change to the lives of all girls around me.

We are advocates on issues affecting girls and young women, including gender-based violence, early marriage, child abuse and widowhood practices. My favourite part is leadership and advocacy.

This World Thinking Day my group will visit old people’s homes and motherless baby homes with foodstuffs, clothing and toiletries. 

I urge other girls to get involved with Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting. Girls are given leadership training and skills to ensure they are empowered and self-reliant. Girls also travel to different states and countries, aiming to make the world a better place.  

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