What is The Helen Storrow Seminar?
Since 1986 we have offered the Helen Storrow Seminar to young women at Our Chalet - our World Centre based in Switzerland. This annual international event is a unique opportunity for leadership development, as it addresses one of the most relevant issues in contemporary society - environmental sustainability. 35 – 40 participants join us in Switzerland for an intensive seven-day seminar of adventure and leadership practice. The seminar explores the environmental issues of today, focuses on ways to raise awareness and use practical skills to create sustainable change. Attendees leave with a change plan ready to impact their environment at a local level.
The Pop-up model
As well as the Our Chalet seminar, up to 20 groups from around the world interact and follow sessions virtually through webinars, video conferencing and an online sharing platform. The groups, known as ‘pop-ups’, connect with the main seminar and each other whilst following an adapted version of the Helen Storrow Seminar programme. These pop-up seminars can be held for any age group in any language. Each year, about 500 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts take part in Helen Storrow Pop-Up Seminars!
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For over 80% of pop-up participants, this was their first international experience. Almost 90% of pop-up participants felt inspired to be more active in their Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting association.