European Youth Forum Nomination

Nomination for Vice President (INGYO) of the European Youth Forum

We are delighted to announce that Rosalyn Old is running for Vice President (INGYO) of the European Youth Forum, nominated by WAGGGS!

Rosalyn told us:

"In the past year and a half on the Board I’ve seen the amazing things that happen when we work together across the platform. But there is so much more that we can do to reach our potential in our unique role in Europe.

From our climate advocacy work, I’ve seen the real benefit of collaborating across our membership as we work with institutions. From being on the team facilitating the development of the new strategic priorities I saw that we can come together around shared aims. Through my work leading the Governance Review Board working group, I see that there is the need to work collaboratively from the start of a change process, to make sure that we go on the journey together. We have the goals and we’re working out the changes that we need to get there.

The next two years is about making it happen. We need to develop shared ownership of the platform, to make bold changes to bring the Youth Forum into the interactive digital age, to address long-standing process and practical barriers, and to truly embed accessibility and inclusion. We can then be the effective, sustainable and supportive organisation that the youth sector needs right now and into the future. With a strong foundation, we can supercharge our advocacy work and use our shared knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate a truly responsive support network for all of our members.

I believe that through my volunteering and professional experience, I have the skills and knowledge in climate, sustainable development, good governance and inclusive participation methods to be a key driver of this change. I have the passion for our advocacy work and the belief in our collective potential to help take our platform to the next level.

I can’t wait to discuss these ideas with you all - look out for opportunities to talk about ideas and get to know me soon. In the meantime, drop me an email at

I’m grateful to WAGGGS for the nomination and I’d love the opportunity to continue on this journey together."

We wish Rosalyn good luck with her campaign!

RO Candidate for Vice President (INGYO) YFJ.png

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