9 ways to keep you connected with your Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting family during a time of social distancing and self-isolation.
1. Hold a virtual meeting online, using an audio or video conferencing platform
- Have a look at our guide to hosting an online meeting for some ideas.
- Groups all over the world are hosting online meetings using free platforms such as Zoom, Skype or Google Hangout.
- Girlguiding in the UK has completed a review of the different platforms available.
2. Create a private online space to share ideas, communicate and complete activities together
- This could be hosted on Padlet, Google Classroom or a closed online group.
3. Host an online' campfire', sing together and sharing your favourite songs
- Did you know that the World Centres will be hosting a virtual campfire on April 18 2020?
4. Email your group with weekly programme ideas and activities with challenges and ideas to keep them busy whilst indoors, you can also send the plan for your next online meeting
- Have a look at activities and challenges from WAGGGS Associations all over the world.
- If internet access is limited for members of your group, send a letter full of activity ideas to complete, include in it a self-addressed envelope so that they can reply.
5. Create and share short videos of activities for your Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to complete at home
- In Tunisia, Brownies are sharing videos about how they spend their day
6. Ask your group to share their favourite girl guiding and girl scouting memories such as stories or activities in a creative way
- Your Girl Guides and Girl Scouts could; draw, create a photo collection, blog, vlog or choose another creative way to share their favourite memories.
7. Combine an online meeting and join with another group, troop or unit who you have met before
- This is a great time to connect with old friends. What group do you already know? How about joining a meeting with them and sharing what you have both been getting up to.
8. What does Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting mean to you? Create something that can show what Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting looks like in your country and why you are proud to be 1 in 10 million. Share this with your group or online using the hashtag #ForHerDigitalWorld
- Face to face meetings may be on pause, however this is a chance for you to find out what Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting looks like around the world.
- What do you want to share about girl guiding and girl scouting in your country?
9. Complete a daily act of kindness - do a 'Good Turn'
- A good turn symbolises the service given by all members of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to the community.
- For younger members, this is about completing a daily act of kindness. For older members, this is about being of service to the community. How can you encourage your Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to safely complete an act of kindness each day?
Share your ideas with us using the hashtag #ForHerDigitalWorld