The Juliette Low Seminar

The Juliette Low Seminar (JLS) is a leadership development programme for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts aged 18-30 from all around the world. Since 1932 the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) has been providing this inter-cultural, inspirational and international experience. It builds friendships across borders and helps young women step outside of their comfort zones.

The Current Juliette Low Seminar

In 2024 our theme is Peace and so we have a focus on participants developing their global competence and growing their capacity to build peace as leaders who can form meaningful global connections, take action to support their community and speak out against injustice.

The programme itself is 9 months long, with online learning and connection sessions as well as a one-week long in-person event. It is delivered in 4 languages – Arabic, English, French and Spanish. We have 150 participants from 70 different countries and 83 Girl Guide/Girl Scout Associations and Organisations. They represent all 5 regions and all 4 official languages of WAGGGS. The programme is facilitated by a Global Team of 80 volunteers and staff members.  As part of JLS, participants are challenged to complete a ‘100 Girls Project’ that supports the leadership development of at least 100 girls in their local community and puts their learning into action with a ripple effect of impact.

Research* has shown that gender equality is the number one predictor of peace – more so than a state’s wealth, level of democracy or religious identity. By using the Girl Guide & Girl Scout Leadership Model, the JLS will empower an international network of girls and young women to be empathetic global citizens who value different perspectives and celebrate diversity. Through a focus on building peace in their local communities, participants will lead together to create an equal, inclusive world where all can thrive.

* Hudson, Valerie et al. (2014), Sex & World Peace. Columbia University Press.

Want to find out more? Check out this page on Campfire, WAGGGS digital home:

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