In October 2014, as part of the "Growing girls and young women to lead the future Europe” project co-funded by the EYF, WAGGGS held a four day event “Communicating to grow young women’s leadership”.
During this event time was spent on working on a new communications plan for the Region with a special focus on social media and storytelling. The participants were selected following an open call on the basis of their communications skills and experience, experience as youth leaders working at local and national level in their association, and interest in using communications to bring about social change. 9 participants from 8 countries attended this event. Members of the External Relations and Communications Core Group Annie Beckman and Lilit Chilingaryan and Resource Pool Tania Mendes contributed to the work of the Planning Team.
As a result of this meeting, the participants were able to develop key messages about Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, which they could also use in their national context. They received training in how to develop a communications strategy, analysing their current situation, identifying and prioritizing target audiences and methods to develop key messages. They received practical training on communication tools which they could use quickly and easily to tell a digital story about their organization, as long as they had identified in advance what they wanted to achieve, understanding the importance of preparation and planning, and the need to take a consistent approach.
The communications plan developed during the meeting, is being implemented in 2015, aiming to increase our presence in social media and target primarily our members. It also highlights gender empowerment, the value of volunteering and youth work in society and the skills that youth work provides which can be used in other aspects of individuals’ lives. The communication tools developed aim to boost our members to feel positive and engaged and to sense the value of volunteering and belonging to our youth organization.
Both the key messages and plan developed will positively influence the strategic communications targets that have been set within the strategic plan adopted by the Europe Committee.
“Communicating to grow young women’s leadership”, an event that was part of the "Growing girls and young women to lead the future Europe” project co-funded by the EYF