WAGGGS provides awards which recognise and honour members and others who have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to international Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting or for the benefit of girls and young women in a global society.

As well as giving recognition to individuals or groups of individuals who have made a real contribution to the lives of girls and young women, the awards can also: publicise the work of WAGGGS to an internal and external audience; raise the profile of WAGGGS by association with distinguished people; provide potential avenues to donors and people of influence; and demonstrate the successes of WAGGGS, engendering pride in its achievements. Providing the recognised individuals with a physical token of appreciation from the Region for their work and creating a visible token that will be seen at the Local and National levels of scouting/guiding.




  • Recognise members of the Association who have distinguished themselves in their outstanding service to Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting at European level
  • Express gratitude to members of the Association whose service is of such exceptional nature that there is no other appropriate manner in which to honour them


A candidate should:

  • Have held a position within WAGGGS or its Member Organisations at the time of commencing the relationship with WAGGGS or its Member Organisations which has resulted in the nomination
  • Be “in good standing” with WAGGGS
  • Have made an exceptional contribution in terms of time, expertise, talents, resources and/or influence to enable WAGGGS to achieve its Mission and/or Objectives

Selection process

  • Nominations may be submitted by a member of the WAGGGS’ Europe committee (including European working groups) or a Member Organisation
  • The names of candidates qualifying for the award will be compiled by the chair of the European committee and a member of the World Bureau staff
  • The chair will in turn submit the nominations to the European committee for consideration and ratification


  • At world conference or regional conference
  • Citation to be read on presentation

The Nomination Form can be downloaded here: Awards Nomination Form

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