By supporting the Europe Region you'll be helping 1.2 million young people in 41 countries in Europe.
Why help us?
By becoming a Friend of the Europe Region, you can be sure that you are helping girls and young women throughout Europe acquire the confidence and skills they need to become responsible citizens of the world.
By becoming a "Friend of the Europe Region", you'll be joining our group of supporters who make an annual gift to help Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting grow in Europe.
Your support will make a real difference to peoples' lives - and of course, you'll be the proud bearer of the special "Friends of Europe" pin which all supporters are entitled to wear!
How do I become a "Friend of the Europe Region"?
What does it cost?
- Annual membership costs just 150 euro
- Annual membership (aged under 30) 75 euro
- Permanent Life membership costs 1500 euro
With the support of the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe and the support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.