Raise Awareness, Learn, Speak Out, Contribute to Research & Policy and Take Action are the areas of work you can take part in within the Stop the Violence campaign. These five pillars make up the campaign, and you can learn more about opportunities below.

06 2013 Japan Stop the Violence Speech presentation microphone

Raise awareness

Your voice is a powerful tool for creating change. Use it to tell your friends about the Stop the Violence campaign and speak out for girls’ rights. We want people to not only know about the issue but to understand it, so that they can go on to take action. Find out more.

stv education


In partnership with UN Women, we've developed a non-formal education curriculum to support girls, boys, young women and men to understand the root causes of violence, identify forms, understand their rights and claim those rights and end violence against girls.


Speak Out

Girl Guides and Girl Scouts' standing in the community means we're in a great position to lobby to end violence. Lobbying is a form of advocacy, sometimes easier to think of as "speaking out" directly to decision-makers, with specific demands in mind.

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Contribute to Research & Policy

What makes spaces safe for girls? What role can girls play in ending violence? How can we involve boys and men? Support the World Association’s research and policy work and help us answer these questions. Learn more.

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Take Action

Whether you are an individual or a Member Organisation, we can support you in developing your own campaign to stop violence against girls and young women. Take action to solve the root causes of violence in your community and create social change.

Violence against girls and young women is a sensitive topic to discuss and can be upsetting or distressing for some people. Therefore, all work that is carried out within the Stop the Violence campaign should be done safely. Visit our safety considerations to better prepare yourself and others for the life-changing work you're about to undertake!

Add your voice

Call on ALL countries in the Council of Europe to ratify the Istanbul Convention and commit to ending the violence!

Add your voice

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