Scouting Nederland (SN)

Nulderpad 1 • 3896 LV  Zeewolde
Postbus 7 3890 AA  Zeewolde
The Netherlands

Tel: +31334960911

Founder member

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Belofte Ik beloof mijn best te doen (met hulp van God‡) een goede padvindster/gids to zijn, Iedereen te helpen waar ik kan, bewust het goede te zoeken en te bevorderen, en met te houden aan de padvindsters/ gidsen wet. Jullie kunnen op me rekenen!

Dutch Guide Promise: I promise to do my best (with the help of God‡) to be a good Guide, to help everyone wherever I can, to go consciously in search of the spiritual value in my life, and to live up to the Guide law. You can count on me!

Dutch Guide Law


  1. Een padvindster/gids trekt er samen met anderen op uit om de wereld om zich heen te ontdekken en deze meer leefbaar te maken.
  2. Zij is eerlijk, trouw en houdt vol.
  3. Zij is spaarzaam en sober en heeft zorg voor de natuur.
  4. Zij respecteert zichzelf en anderen.

Guide Law

  1. A Guide goes out with others to discover the world around her and to make it more worthwhile to live in.
  2. She is honest, faithful and perseveres.
  3. She is thrifty, and sober and takes good care of nature.
  4. She respects herself and others.

Brownie Promise Kabouter belofte Ik beloof mijn best te doen (met de hulp van God‡) een goede kabouter/esta te zijn, iedereen te helpen waar ik kan, bewust het goede te zoeken en te bevorderen en me te houden aan de kabouter/esta wet. Jullie kunnen op met rekenen!

Dutch Brownie Promise: I promise to do my best (with the help of God‡): To be a good Brownie/Esta, To help everybody wherever possible, To go consciously in search of the spiritual value of my life, and To keep the Brownie law. You can count on me! ‡Members of Scouting Nederland may have permission to omit the words ‘with the help of God’.

Development of the Movement

The first Guide groups appeared in the Netherlands in 1911. In 1916 six of these groups formed Het Nederlandse Meisjes Gilde, which in 1928 was a Founder Member of WAGGGS. The Association changed its name to Het Nederlandse Padvindsters Gilde in 1933.

After the Second World War there were two Guide Associations active in the Netherlands: Het Nederlandse Padvindsters Gilde, which was partially sponsored by the Ecumenical Council of Youth and the Salvation Army; and De Nederlandse Gidsen, which catered to Roman Catholic girls. These two Associations were represented in WAGGGS by a joint council, the Nationale Padvindsters Raad.

In 1967 the Federation Scouting Nederland was formed as a result of the growing co-operation between the Nationale Padvindsters Raad and the Scouting Association for boys. Since 1973 there has been one organization for girls and boys, Scouting Nederland, which combines elements from all former associations and remains open to new developments. HRH Prince Claus is patron of this merged organisation.

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