Celebrated since 1926, World Thinking Day is a day of international friendship. It is an opportunity to celebrate the Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting Movement speak out on issues that affect young women and fundraise for 10.8 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in 153 countries.

What do we do on World Thinking Day?
- Celebrate World Thinking Day and be one in ten million!
- Be inspired by the history and impact of our global Movement
- Connect with the worldwide sisterhood of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting
- Take action and speak out on issues we most care about
- Make a difference by fundraising for projects around the world
Explore this year's World Thinking Day theme and download the activity pack

World Thinking Day 2025 - Our Story
World Thinking Day 2025 - 2028
100 Years of WAGGGS & World Thinking Day
As we prepare for the centenary of World Thinking Day (2026) and centenary of WAGGGS (2028), World Thinking Day is taking a new direction. Over the next four years we will celebrate our Movement through broad themes which explore our history, symbolism, people and future.
The official titles and content will be created by a volunteer writers pool, so there may be small changes if required. These themes were created following a consultation with WAGGGS staff, global volunteers and local leaders who participated in the 2024 WTD celebrations worldwide.
In line with Girl Guide and Girl Scout methodology, we are taking a girl-centered and volunteer-led approach to develop all the WTD activity packs. It is a great opportunity to develop your skills in content creation and work with an international team.
If you or your Member Organisation are interested in celebrating World Thinking Day or volunteering as part of the World Thinking Day writing team, please email wtd@wagggs.org.
In the next four years we are celebrating

2025 - Our Story
Reflecting on the symbolism and values of our Movement, we will explore what it has meant to be a Girl Guide and Girl Scout over the years. This includes exploring how we can understand our past in the world today, while supporting girls around the world to feel confident, care about their world and develop the skills needed to make a difference.

2026 - Our Friendship
Celebrating 100 years of World Thinking Day. This day began with the birthday celebration of our founders and evolved into landmark event for our Movement. This is a chance to be curious and creative, to form meaningful connections with our sisters in Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and beyond.

2027 - Our People
Shedding light on the changemakers of the Movement. We will look at the inspiring members of our Movement and the girls and women who are always prepared to adapt to change. We will also explore how we can create more spaces for more girls and young women to grow and thrive together.

2028 - Our Future
Marking 100 years of WAGGGS. It’s time to party!
Explore our vision for the future and get ready to dream and create the future of WAGGGS together.

Donate to the World Thinking Day Fund
A tradition since 1932, the World Thinking Day Fund collects pennies and coins from members around the world, to support their fellow Guides and Scouts. All donations help fund WAGGGS activities and are used where the need is greatest in our global Movement.
* Please avoid sending cash donations by mail