Apply for funding from the unique and wold-first Local Solutions fund available to all young people regardless of background or location.
Youth-led solutions to the pandemic recovery are at the heart of the Global Youth Mobilization.

It is essential that structures are put in place to harness the surge of youth-led activism, creative solutions, passion and commitment seen since the start of the pandemic. This is why we are investing more than $2 million in young people: in their ideas, their innovations and their futures.

This is a unique and world-first open call to all young people, regardless of background or location, to submit their solutions to the health and societal COVID-19 challenges facing young people and their communities today.
Local Solutions are a direct investment in young people for their innovative ideas that tackle a specific COVID-19-related challenge in their local communities. These will be judged and decided on by young people and experts on juries appointed by the Global Youth Mobilization. Funding will be available in four tiers, from $500 through to $5,000.