Egyptian Federation for Scouts and Girl Guides
International Commissioner
5 Sad El Aali Street
Email: | Tel: +20233352836
Fax: +20233352836
Number of Girl Guides in 2015
Full Member
Girls only
On my honour I promise: To do my duty to God, then my country, To help people in all circumstances, To obey the Guide Law.
Egypt Guide Law
- A Guide’s honour is to be trusted.
- A Guide is loyal.
- A Guide’s duty is to be useful and to help others.
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.
- A Guide is courteous.
- A Guide is a friend to animals.
- A Guide obeys orders.
- A Guide smiles when facing difficulties, and deals with all such difficulties with patience and perseverance.
- A Guide is thrifty.
- A Guide is pure in thought, in word and in deed.
I promise to do my best: To perform my duty towards God and my dear country, To help people every day, especially my family.
Brownie Law
I promise to do my best:
- To perform my duty towards God and my dear country,
- To help people every day, especially my family.
I love God ... I am polite and I help people, my family and my friends.
Development of the Movement
Guiding in Egypt began around 1918 and was introduced to schools in 1925 followed by the formation of the Egyptian Girl Guides Association in 1929. Since then Guiding has expanded into factories and community clubs.