Whenever you see a blue box like this, follow the steps to complete the training task. There are four tasks in total.
At the heart of the GPN badge is the message that good nutrition helps you stay happy and healthy. Over 100,000 Girl Guides and Girl Scouts have achieved their GPN badge so far, and we can’t wait to see what your group will do too!
These activities were co-created with Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across Madagascar, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Tanzania and all the nutrition information has been verified by our partner, Nutrition International.
Click through the slides below to learn about the Girl Powered Nutrition badge:

Step 1 - Follow your Food Guide
GPN is a global badge, but nutrition is specific to every community. It’s your role as a leader to use your country’s Food Guide to make sure the activities relate to your young people’s daily lives and the food they have access to.
Task 1
- Download your country’s Food Guide on the FAO’s website. If your country doesn’t have one, you can:
- Choose a Food Guide on the FAO’s website from a country that is geographically and/or culturally similar to yours (ideally that has illustrations or pictures)
- Or, download the GPN Food Guide (developed for GPN from the Harvard School of Public Health’s ‘Healthy Eating Plate’).
- Make a list (or draw!) examples of tasty, balanced meals that contain all your country's food groups in the right amounts.

Step 2 - Get to know the Key Messages
You don’t need to be a nutrition expert to deliver GPN! The Key Messages, badge activities and resources contain everything you and your group needs to know.
The Key Messages are the most important pieces of information that your group should know by the end of each coloured stage. Learn about them in the videos below, at the start of every activity and on page 4 of the Fact File.
Please note that the Key Messages in the Fact File and videos are from the Older age activity pack. Some of the messages have been simplified for the Younger and Middle ages, so please follow the exact wording in your relevant age activity pack.
Task 2
- Watch all six videos below to learn the GPN Key Messages (this will take about 20 minutes). Starting at green, click on the coloured section of the GPN badge to open its Key Message video. The messages have been written carefully with nutrition experts so please convey them exactly as you see them.
- Read the GPN Fact File. This is an nutrition booklet to supplement your nutrition knowledge. It is written for Leaders and contains quite a lot of detail, so please use your judgment and decide how much to share with your group.
- Make a list of local, reliable sources of nutrition information that your group can use during the badge. It’s very important to show your group how to use trustworthy sources, and to challenge false information. Some global examples are:
- Balanced meals: www.choosemyplate.gov/eathealthy/WhatIsMyPlate
- Healthy diet tips: www.who.int/nutrition/topics/5keys_healthydiet/en/
- Malnutrition: www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/malnutrition
A healthy diet is one of three things you need to stay happy and healthy
Eat a variety of balanced meals every day to stay happy, healthy and fight disease
Girls have specific nutritional needs
Check with a teacher or health worker if you’re unsure about any food information
Everyone can prepare healthy meals
Share your nutrition knowledge with other people

Step 3 - Choose your activities
All the activities have been written for a global audience and require very few resources.
We have created most of the resources you need - find them after each activity’s instructions.
We encourage you to handle, prepare and taste food with your group at every opportunity. However, if you don’t have access to food, don’t worry – all the activities can be delivered without food.
Keep moving! Physical exercise is vital to leading a happy and healthy life. Start every GPN activity with a physical warm-up.
Task 3
Help your group to choose six activities - one from each section, in the following order:
- Click on the appropriate age for your group.
- Download the two activity options and their resources (all in one PDF).
- Choose one activity at every coloured stage (apart from red where there is one).
At the start
Green activities
Yellow activities
Orange activities
Turquoise activities
Blue activities
Red activity
At the end
At the start
Green activities
Yellow activities
Orange activities
Turquoise activities
Blue activities
Red activities
At the end
At the start
Green activities
Yellow activities
Orange activities
Turquoise activities
Blue activities
Red activities
At the end

To order your Girl Powered Nutrition badges, visit: www.wagggs-shop.org or speak to your Member Organisation.
Once your group has completed their action and received their GPN badges, we hope that they feel inspired to continue!
If they have even bigger ideas for how to improve their community’s nutrition, show them the Girl Powered Change pack. This is a separate booklet for Middle and Older age groups that includes girls' stories and a step by step guide on how to take bigger action.
Step 4 - Final preparation
You’re almost ready to start the badge! Complete the task below to prepare your group.
Task 4
- Make a copy of the Badge Tracker (see button above) per person. This is for your group to record their nutrition learning and track their progress. Every GPN activity ends with a 15-minute Reflection during which your group should complete their Badge Tracker individually.
- Write a Brave Space agreement with your group (a set of ground rules) to be displayed throughout the GPN badge. A brave space is a safe space that also challenges us – it’s a space where we learn best.
For example: We’re curious and ask questions, we’re honest, we include everyone, we listen to each other, we don’t judge other people, we encourage body confidence and self esteem (the purpose of eating healthily is not to be thinner or prettier etc.). - Make sure you have your Food Guide and the GPN Fact File ready.
You have completed the online training! You’re now ready to deliver Girl Powered Nutrition. Download and edit your Leader's certificate.
Optional: To better understand the success of the badge activities, please ask your group to complete the GPN Badge Survey - once before starting any GPN badge activities and then once again after completing their action. The first page of the document includes instructions for completing it (and can be done online or on paper).
Support your group to share what they achieve along the way by encouraging them to post on social media using #girlpowerednutrition and tagging @wagggsworld! Please also tell us how many participants you have reached by visiting our programme participant page - you can see this reflected live in our new interactive map!

Download the full GPN activity packs in english here: Younger age, Middle age, Older age.
Or download in Spanish, French or Arabic here.
The GPN activity packs and resources were co-created by the GPN Working Group 2020:
Adele Lynch, Miguel Camacho, Alice Kestell, Rosario Jupiterwala, Rose Jade Delgado, Francine Beatriz Pradez, Erika Ramirez, Zarook Abdul, Kush Herat, Sirini Wengappuli, Priyabashini Karunarathne, Sophia Mlay, Ummy Mwabondo, Valentine Masereka, Rojo Andriamahery, Saholy Raheliharinambinina, Narindra Andriamahefalison, Mevaharinivo Geliah Rakotonandrasana and Minohasina Andriantahina.
With special thanks to Sophie Rymer.