Welcome to the World Thinking Day 2021 activity pack: Stand Together for Peace. We hope you will use this pack to celebrate World Thinking Day and stand together with over ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world to call for and create peace; in our lives and in the world.
Peacebuilding is at the heart of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting and is as vital and relevant today as for the last 100 years. By completing the steps in this activity pack, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts will; Stand Strong, Stand up and Stand Together for peacebuilding.
Step 1. Create a ‘brave space’ for your group so that they are ready to fully participate
Step 2. Complete 1 activity from each of the 3 sections (Stand Up, Stand Strong. Stand Together)
Step 3. Act for peace, complete the closing activity and renew your Girl Guide or Girl Scout promise
Don’t forget to buy your World Thinking Day badges from the WAGGGS online shop today: www.wagggs-shop.org/
If you would like to translate this resource into other languages for your Association, please contact LeadingForHerWorld@wagggs.org for assistance and information.
ACTIVITY PACKS & additional resources
- Arabic | بطاقات "النساء بناة السلام" - الكل | Presentation for online meetings
- Czech (translated by Junak - Czech Scouting )
- Danish (translated by The Joint Committee of Girl Guides in Denmark)
- English | 'Women Peacebuilders' cards (All) | Presentation for online meetings
- French | Cartes Femmes artisanes de la paix ( Toute) | Presentation for online meetings (coming soon)
- Greek (translated by the Greek Guiding Association)
- Icelandic (translated by Skátarnir - The Icelandic Boy and Girl Scout Association)
- Polish | 'Women Peacebuilders' cards (All) (translated by The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association)
- Spanish | Tarjetas de 'Mujeres promotoras de la paz' (Todas) | Presentation for online meetings
- Swedish (translated by Scouterna - The Guides and Scouts of Sweden in cooperation with the Swedish scouts of Finland)
- Publication date: 21st September 2020
- Author(s): Ayowunmi Nuga
- Length: 64 pages
- Resource type: Activity packs
- Resource topic: World Thinking Day