Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry
International Commissioner WAGGGS
Töölönkatu 55
Website: | (in English)
Tel: +358 9 8865 1100
Founder member
Number of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts in 2020
Full Member
Girls & Boys
Promise (Finnish) Lupaan parhaani mukaan elää maani ja maailman parhaaksi, kasvaa katsomuksessani ja toteuttaa <ikäkauden> ihanteita joka päivä. Jag vill älska min Gud och min nästa, mitt land och mänskligheten, i det jag söker förverkliga scoutidealen i mitt liv.
Guide Law
Ideals (Finnish)
- Partiolaisen ihanteena on
- kehittää itseään ihmisenä
- kunnioittaa toista ihmistä
- auttaa ja palvella muita
- tuntea vastuunsa ja velvollisuutensa
- rakastaa ja suojella luontoa
- olla uskollinen ja luotettava
- rakentaa ystävyyttä yli rajojen
- etsiä elämän totuutta
Ideals (Swedish)
En scouts ideal är at...
- utveckla sig själv som människa
- känna aktning för andra
- hjälpa och tjäna sin nästa
- inse sitt ansvar och sina plikter
- älska och skydda naturen
- vara trofast och pålitlig
- främja vänskap över gränserna
- söka sanningen i tillvaron
Guide Ideals
The ideal of a Girl Guide is...
- to develop herself as a human being
- to respect other human beings
- to help and serve others
- to recognize her responsibility and duties
- to love and protect nature
- to be faithful and reliable
- to build friendships across borders
- to seek for the truth in life
Brownie Promise (Finnish) Lupaan parhaani mukaan rakastaa Jumalaani, toteuttaa sudenpentujen lakia ja olla toisille avuksi joka päivä. Brownie Promise (Swedish) Jag lovar att efter bästa förmåga älska min Gud och följa vargungens lag.
Brownie Law
- Brownie Law (Finnish)
- Sudenpentu on reipas ja rehellinen.
- Brownie Law (Swedish)
- En vargunge är ärlig, glad och hjälpsam.
- Brownie Law
- A Brownie is cheerful and honest.
Development of the Movement
The first Girl Guide company in Finland was formed in 1910, but the years that followed saw great political upheaval, resulting in a ban on Girl Guiding. The Movement was officially revived in 1917, and it has expanded steadily and gained strength ever since. The first Brownie pack was started in 1925, and the first Ranger company in 1930. In 1928 three Finnish Associations, Suomalainen Partiotyttöliitto, Finlands Svenska Scoutförbund and Suomen Vapaa Partioryhmä, were recognized together as a Founder Member of WAGGGS.
Interest in the Movement grew fast, and before long there were five active Girl Guide Associations in Finland. In 1934 Girl Guiding was introduced for girls with special needs. The Second World War created the need for closer co-operation, and in 1943 a single Association, the Union of Finnish Girl Guides, was established.
The Union of Finnish Girl Guides worked in co-operation with the Scout Union of Finland, and in 1972 the merged organization, Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry (The Guides and Scouts of Finland) was formed. As a result of this, administration for national events and training is a combined undertaking, and all the Guide and Scout districts work together. At local level many companies still work separately. The GSF has 75,000 members (Guides and Scouts) in all.
Lately an internal migration in Finland has created a need to found new local groups in areas where there are high numbers of young people. The More Groups: More Members project started in 2002. Another challenge GSF is facing is welcoming young people with a immigrant background into the Movement and assuring that their needs are met. During 2001, a study was undertaken to discover the best possible ways to involve all young people into Guiding.
The Suomen Partiolaiset - Finlands Scouter ry have web pages in English. Check them out here