Association des Scouts et Guides du Sénégal

Commissaire Générale
BP 1354

Email: | Tel: +2218235363
Fax: +2218399550

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On my honour and with the grace of God, I promise to do my best: To serve God, the church and my country, To help my neighbour at all times, and To keep the Guide Law.

Senegal Guide Promise

Senegal Guide Law

  1. A Guide is loyal
  2. A Guide thinks first of others
  3. A Guide is generous, she is prepared to help
  4. A Guide is welcoming, she has team spirit
  5. A Guide, sister to every other Guide, is at the service of all
  6. A Guide learns about nature, in which she sees God’s work
  7. A Guide must obey
  8. A Guide does not fear endeavour, she does nothing by halves
  9. A Guide likes her work and respects that of others
  10. A Guide is self-controlled, she is pure and cheerful

I promise to do my best: To love God, get to know my country, accept the Law of the Pack, To do a good turn to someone every day, and bring joy into my home.

Senegal Brownie Promise

Senegal Brownie Law

  1. A Brownie is always clean
  2. A Brownie always tells the truth
  3. A Brownie is always cheerful
  4. A Brownie is always active
  5. A Brownie thinks first of others

Development of the Movement

Guiding was started in Senegal in 1953 by former members of the Guides de France. It was intended for French girls living in Dakar and was based on the French programme. The Movement soon came to the notice of the Senegalese people, however, and a Ranger company was opened in the Ecole Normale at Rufisque, a teacher training college. Members of this company later went on to become leaders of other Guide companies. Sénégal

Following Senegal’s independence in 1960, companies and packs were started for Senegalese girls in the parishes of Dakar and Thiès. The Association worked together with the Scout Association and in 1962 the National Organisation of the Scouts et Guides du Sénégal was officially recognised by the Ministry of the Interior.

In 1964 Guides de France sent a trainer to Senegal for a period of three years. Under her guidance, Guiding was extended to Petit-Côte, St. Louis and Casamance. Until 1967, leadership had been undertaken by non-nationals, but in that year the first Senegalese Guide National Commissioner was appointed, and local leaders took on responsibility for Guiding.

In 1974 a national team was set up with the aim of extending Guiding to more areas of the country and concentrating on leadership training. Guiding and its objectives soon became better known in the country and as a result membership grew and the organisation spread to several new areas.

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