Association Nationale des Guides de Guinée
Commissaire Nationale
Boîte Postale Bp: 6757
Tel: + 224 46 62 24 70 98

Number of Girl Guides in 2018
Girls only
On my honour, I promise: To do my duty to God and my country, To do my duty to other people at all times, To obey the Girl Guide/Girl Scout Law
Guinea Guide Law
- A Guide is loyal
- A Guide thinks of other people first
- A Guide is generous, she is prepared to serve
- A Guide is welcoming, she shows team spirit
- A Guide discovers nature where she sees God’s work
- A Guide knows how to obey
- A Guide is not scared of hard work and never does things by halves
- A Guide loves her work and respects the work of other people
- A Guide is in control, she is pure and happy
Development of the Movement
Guiding, like Scouting, existed before independence, but when the revolutionary regime came to power, all the Movements were merged into the JRDA (African Revolutionary and Democratic Youth).
Through the work of a Malagasy missionary nun, Guiding started again on 22 February 1986 and from that date onwards its development has been remarkable, spreading to the whole territory. For example, in Lower Guinea it has reached Conakry, Coyah, Forécariah, Kindia, Boffa; in Higher Guinea Kankan and Siguiri; and in Sylvan Guinea Kissidougou, Gueckédou N’Zérékoré, Beyla, Macenta and Lola.
Guiding is established in the four natural areas (Maritime Guinea, Higher Guinea, Mid Guinea, Sylvan Guinea). All religious denominations are represented in the Movement. It is hoped to continue the spread of Guiding to rural areas.
The association became Full Member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts during the 35th World Conference that took place in Hong Kong in July 2014.