Association des Guides du Tchad
Commissaire Générale
Responable Des Guides Du Tchad
Email: | Tel: +235 698 72 88

Number of Girl Guides in 2018
Girls only
On my honour, and with God’s help, I pledge to do my best to serve God, my creed and Chad, to help others always and everywhere, and to live by the Guide law.
Chad Brownie Law
- A Brownie is always clean
- A Brownie is always active
- A Brownie is always merry
- A Brownie tells the truth
- A Brownie puts others first
- A Brownie is a friend of God
I promise that I will do my best in order to be faithful to God, to my country, to my parents, to the law of the Brownie pack and to make someone happy everyday.
Chad Guide Law
- A Guide tells the truth
- A Guide puts others first
- A Guide is a sister to Guides of all races
- A Guide respects the property of others
- A Guide respects God’s creation
- A Guide does not do anything in halves
- A Guide is obedient
- A Guide is polite and smiles under all difficulties
- A Guide has self-control
- A Guide respects her body and makes others respect it
Development of the Movement
Guiding was introduced in Chad in 1957 by Sisters of the Holy Cross coming from Jerusalem. The Movement grew throughout the south of the country due to the spread of Christianity. Today, the Movement has reached the capital, N'Djamena and there are units in six regions in the south: Ndjamèna, Doba, Moundou, Goré, Laï and Sarh.