Association des Guides du Cameroun
The Cameroon Girl Guides and Girl Scouts Association
P.O.Box: 185 C 431
E-mail: | Tel: +237 98 55 66 56

Number of Girl Guides in 2016
Girls only
I promise on my honour and with the grace of God to do everything possible to: serve God and my country, help others at all times, obey the Guide Law
Cameroon Guide Law
- A Guide is sincere.
- She is loyal.
- She is helpful.
- She is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.
- She is polite.
- She respects nature in which she sees the work of God.
- She is obedient.
- She smiles and sings in spite of difficulties.
- She is active and thrifty.
- She can control her thoughts, her words and her deeds.
Development of the Movement
Guiding began in West Cameroon in 1943 with the formation of a Girl Guide company in Victoria. The Movement spread to other areas of the country and by 1947 Brownie packs had been formed. However, until the country’s independence in 1961, Guiding activities were carried out in conjunction with the Nigerian Girl Guides Association. The West Cameroon Girl Guides Association was subsequently formed as an independent association.
Guiding in East Cameroon was officially established in 1963 when Les Guides du Cameroun was formed, although in some areas of the region Guiding activities had already been taking place for two years.
A Cameroon National Guide Council was formed in 1970, followed a year later by the creation of the Cameroon Union of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts consisting of the West Cameroon Girl Guides Association and Les Guides du Cameroun.
After the creation of the United Republic of Cameroon, which replaced the Federal Republic, and with the expansion of Guiding in the country, in 1974 it was decided to dissolve the Union and to establish in its place a single Guide association, the Cameroon Girl Guides Association/Association des Guides du Cameroun.
The association became Full Member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts during the 35th World Conference that took place in Hong Kong in July 2014.