The WAGGGS’ Stop the Violence campaign is a unique campaign in a space where there are campaigns to end violence against women, campaigns to end specific forms of violence, but no campaigns to end all forms of violence against girls and young women.
As a result, the work we do enriches other organisations and their work enriches our campaign. Partnerships are vital to succeeding in the shared goal of preventing and eliminating violence. Below is a list of campaigns from partners and external organisations that we think bring value to our work. We encourage you to check them out, see how you can get involved and if there is any opportunity for collaboration at the national or community level.
- Plan have a global campaign called ‘Because I am a Girl’ which includes efforts to end both child marriage and female genital mutilation
- The UNiTE to end violence against women campaign is the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s multi-year effort aimed at preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls around the world. It was launched in 2008 and the ‘orange days’ that WAGGGS often supports is part of this initiative
- White Ribbon Campaign started in Canada and in 1991 and now has organisations in Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Europe, Finland, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. It is men working to end violence against women
- Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 500 civil society organisations committed to ending child marriage and enabling girls to fulfil their potential
Do you know of any fantastic organisations that run campaigns to end violence against girls and women? Perhaps you have worked with them at a national or community level? Email us at to tell us more.
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Call on ALL countries in the Council of Europe to ratify the Istanbul Convention and commit to ending the violence!
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