Yemen Scouts and Guides Association

Chief Commissioner
PO Box 19599

Email: | Tel: +9671535222
Fax: +9671535222

  • Number of Girls Icon


    Number of Girl Guides in 2015

  • Full/Associate Member Icon


    Full Member

  • Girls Only Icon

    Girls only


On my honour I promise to do my best: To do my duty to God then to my country, To help other people in all circumstances, To abide by the Girl Guide Law.

Yemen Guide Promise

Yemen Guide Law

  1. A Girl Guide’s honour is to be trusted.
  2. A Girl Guide is loyal to God, her country, her leaders and subordinates.
  3. A Girl Guide is useful and helpful to others.
  4. A Girl Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.
  5. A Girl Guide has a praiseworthy character.
  6. A Girl Guide is kind to animals.
  7. A Girl Guide is obedient to her parents and leaders.
  8. A Girl Guide keeps her smile when facing difficulties and deals with all such difficulties with patience and perseverance.
  9. A Girl Guide is thrifty.
  10. A Girl Guide is pure in word and in deed.

Development of the Movement

Girl Guiding has existed in the Yemen Republic since 1962, and in 1972 it was officially organized under one official administrative body. In 1975 the Yemen Scouts and Girl Guides Association was set up, which spread Guiding to areas of the country where it had not previously existed.

The Association became a member of the Arab Regional Group in 1980. During the next few years, trainers from the Arab Bureau helped to prepare leaders and open new companies. In 1986 Yemen successfully hosted the 10th Arab Conference which served as a platform for women leaders within the Association to demonstrate their abilities to government authorities and the public. Women demonstrated that they could hold positions of authority and carry out their responsibilities effectively. As a result the Girl Guides Association became a separate Association working independently of the Scouts.

In 1990 the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen merged with the Yemen Arab Republic. Guiding had previously developed in the Arab Republic but now started to spread to all areas of the newly created Republic of Yemen.

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