Help us change the future for girls and young women by contributing to our work in the Arab Region.
Empowering girls and young women is the key to real change. Helping to enable millions of girls and young women to become agents of change themselves will have a direct impact on their homes, communities, countries and ultimately the world.
By supporting the Arab Region, you will help raise the profile of girls and young women in the area. You will help to equip them with self-confidence, leadership, advocacy skills and opportunities.
You will ensure the active participation and visibility of Arab young women in the international arena.
We hope that you will share our same passion to offer leadership opportunities to young women and help us raise their profile on all levels.
We are seeking support from a wide range of sources – from individuals to global corporations, institutions, NGOS, dignitaries and the general public.
What will your support achieve?
- Enable girls and young women in the region to become competent and confident leaders and develop their fullest potential.
- Provide opportunities for young women to attend essential life skills training.
- Give young women the opportunity to attend international and United Nations events.
- Assist countries which are working towards membership of WAGGGS.
- Fund projects and programmes of the Arab Region and its Member Organizations.