Kuwait Girl Guides Association

PO Box 5241
EL SAFAT 13053

Email: q8gga@q8gga.com | Tel: +9652447452
Fax: +9652447452

  • Number of Girls Icon


    Number of Girl Guides in 2018

  • Full/Associate Member Icon


    Full Member

  • Girls Only Icon

    Girls only


Upon my honour, I promise I’ll do my best, to do my duty towards God and my country, to help people at all times, and to respect and follow the Girl Guide Law.

Kuwait Guide Promise

Kuwait Guide Law

  1. The honour of the Girl Guides is faith and confidence.
  2. The Girl Guide is sincere towards her country, her parents, her seniors and her juniors (sincere).
  3. The Girl Guide should be useful to herself and to others (useful).
  4. The Girl Guide is the friend to all and sister to every other Girl Guide (lovable).
  5. The Girl Guide is of good character (polite).
  6. The Girl Guide is kind to animals (kind).
  7. The Girl Guide sincerely obeys her parents, the head of her division and the leaders of her group.
  8. The Girl Guide smiles in the face of trouble and faces it with patience and steadfastness (smiling).
  9. The Girl Guide is thrifty.
  10. The Girl Guide is pure-hearted, decent in word and generous in deed (pure).

I promise to do my best in carrying out my duty towards God and my country, and in helping people under all circumstances, especially those at home.

Brownie Promise

Brownie Law

The Brownie must obey those who are older, must be resolute, must not yield to her whims, must take the Brownie Promise.

Development of the Movement

Guiding in Kuwait began in 1957 on a limited basis. By 1960, however, much improved programmes had helped to strengthen the Movement, and Guiding then spread to most schools throughout the country. The Association became established by 1965 and was licensed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour at that time. In 1975 it came under the supervision of the Ministry of Education as it still is today. The Association became recognised in the country as an active educational force which offered young girls and women an opportunity for training on sound leadership.

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