The Mauritius Girl Guides Association
Chief Commissioner
Camp Levieux, Eau Coulee
Curepipe Road
Tel: +230 721 24 43 | Facebook

Number of Girl Guides in 2014
Full Member
Girls only
On my honour, I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times, and To keep the Guide Law.
Mauritius Guide Law
- A Guide’s honour is to be trusted
- A Guide is loyal
- A Guide is helpful
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to other Guides
- A Guide is courteous
- A Guide is a friend to animals and respects all living things
- A Guide is obedient
- A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties
- A Guide is thrifty
- A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed
I promise I will do my best: To do my duty to God, To serve my country and help other people, and To keep the Bluebird Law
Mauritius Bluebird Law
A Bluebird thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day
Development of the Movement
Guiding began in Vacoas, Mauritius, in 1926 with the formation of a company for English-speaking girls. French-speaking girls later joined the company, and Guiding soon spread to other areas of the country, although membership was confined to girls of European descent.
In 1939 the Anglican community opened Companies which admitted girls of all nationalities, and soon afterwards similar companies were opened by the Roman Catholic community.
In 1943 the first Island Council was formed and in 1946 the Mauritius Girl Guides Association’s constitution was approved and it became a Branch Association of the Guide Association (UK). Guiding in Mauritius continued to spread and, with the assistance of trainers from the United Kingdom, was established in five of the seven districts on the island. In 1980 a bill was passed by the Mauritius Legislative Assembly granting the Association legal status.
Guiding today has reached rural areas and schools and is open to all races and religions of the island. In 1990 Guiding was extended to Rodrigues Island.