Lesotho Girl Guides Association

Chief Commissioner

PO Box 1487
Maseru 100

Email: lgga@ilesotho.com | Tel: +26622324987
Fax: +26622310550

  • Number of Girls Icon


    Number of Girl Guides in 2018

  • Full/Associate Member Icon


    Full Member

  • Girls Only Icon

    Girls only


I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times, and To obey the Guide Law.

Lesotho Guide Promise

Lesotho Guide Law

  1. A Guide's Honour is to be trusted
  2. A Guide is loyal
  3. A Guide is helpful
  4. A Guide is friendly
  5. A Guide is polite and thoughtful of others
  6. A Guide is cares for the environment and all living things
  7. A Guide is obedient
  8. A Guide is smiles and sings under difficulties
  9. A Guide is thrifty
  10. A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed

I promise to do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people every day, Especially those at home.

Lesotho Brownie Promise

Lesotho Brownie Law

A Sunbeam thinks of others before herself.

Development of the Movement

The Lesotho Girl Guides Association (LGGA) was founded as the Basutoland Wayfarer in 1925. LGGA is a full member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Most of the members are from schools.

The LGGA is totally independent to assist young girls to grow into good citizens of their country. The LGGA is committed to the goal of ‘advancement of girls and young women’ and ‘education for a changing world’, hence there is need to focus on health and the development of girls and young women. Most of the training takes place in the districts, but there are monthly skills training sessions at the LGGA headquarters, based on the level and kind of training needed to counsel the Guides, such as Patrol Leaders’ training. Community-based training also takes place accordingly, such as training disabled women on HIV/AIDS education.

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