Valkama 2020

Valkama is the ninth district camp of the Uusimaa Scouting district. The camp will be the high point of the summer, offering fun activities to all ages and inspiring scouts and non-scouts from Uusimaa and the rest of the world to enjoy the camp life!

Valkama is the ninth district camp of the Uusimaa Scouting district. The camp will be the high point of the summer, offering fun activities to all ages and inspiring scouts and non-scouts from Uusimaa and the rest of the world to enjoy the camp life!

As one of the first big scouting events of the new decade, Valkama has its sights firmly set on the future, opening the discussion on what a scout camp looks like in the 2020's. The old and the new will meet in unexpected ways, offering surprises to everyone... The camp site consists mostly of boreal pine forest and sandy beaches, creating a wonderful backdrop to both the daily programme and the big get-together's like the opening and closing ceremonies!

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