The YESS Girls’ Movement offers an exciting and unique experience for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts aged 18 to 35 years old from Africa and Asia Pacific region. It offers an opportunity to volunteer and/or get professional experience in another country for 6 or 12 months, depending on the profile of the participant.

We are now recruiting YESS Participants for 2023.

In this round, the selected participants will travel to Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia or Zimbabwe.

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  • YESS_Kenya
  • yess girls movement photo 2.jpg


To apply to participate in the programme you should meet the following minimum criteria: -

Both type of participants should come from Bangladesh, Burundi, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia or Zimbabwe.

Eligibility criteria for Volunteer YESS participants

  • 18-25 year old Girl Guide or Girl Scout
  • Minimum of a high school certificate.
  • A volunteer or staff of home Guiding Association and willing to volunteer for at least 3 months or work (if there is an opening) for your home organisation on return from international exchange.
  • Continuously available without any interruptions and other commitments for 9 months (From January to October 2023)
  • Willing to travel out of home country and stay away for 6 months (January to July 2023)

NB: Former YESS Participants (YESS Alumnae) can NOT apply for the 2023 volunteer exchange.

Eligibility criteria for Professional YESS participants

  • 26-35 years old Girl Guide or Girl Scout
  • Minimum of a University Degree with at least one year experience in area of specialisation
  • A volunteer or staff of home association; and willing to volunteer or work (if there is an opening) for your home organisation for at least 6 months on return from international exchange
  • Continuously available without any interruptions for 14 months (from January 2023 to March 2024)
  • Willing to travel out of home country and stay away for 12 months (January to December 2023)

NB: YESS Alumnae are also free to apply for the Professional exchange but will compete with other applicants on a level ground.

  • YESS Bangladesh 2022
  • YESS Burundi 2022
  • YESS Cordinators

Click here to apply

Deadline for applications: Sunday 14th August, 2022

Please find the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in the following links: English , French.

If you have additional questions, please send your message to

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