Help us reach more girls!
Encourage your Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to join U-Report so their voices can be heard and amplified. Their feedback, views and experiences are key to improve our programmes and shape our global influence work.
We can also share the data on what Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from your MO feel about the issues we poll on or run special polls for a jamboree or another event. The more Girl Guides and Girl Scouts we have on U-Report from your country, the better we can listen to them!
U-Report at national level
Create a national partnership with UNICEF, build your girl experience around what girls in your country care about most and encourage Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from your Member Organisation to SPEAK OUT and be heard through U-Report!
If you are from one of the 70 countries where U-Report works nationally, then you could work with UNICEF to amplify Girl Guides’ and Girl Scouts’ voices on issues that matter to them, as well as all young people in your country.
Contact Ines Goncalves to find out more about how to use U-Report at national level and check if your country is eligible for these type of partnership.