
International Day of the Girl

11 October is International Day of the Girl. Each year, we celebrate with our #TeamGirl campaign and a new focus. For 2020, the global theme for International Day of the Girl is "My voice, our equal future."

This year, we are encouraging girls and young women around the world to make their voice heard by taking part in our #HearMeNow campaign. With our #HearMeNow resource and social media campaign, we want to give girls worldwide a platform to tell us about the causes they care about, so we can all work together towards an equal future, shaped for and by girls.

  • IDoF 5
  • Girls learning about violence in Togo
  • 032016 USA Naouel, Rihab and Hanine, at USA Stop the Violence activate event

#HearMeNow activity pack

Hear Me Now cover

The #HearMeNow resource is an activity pack designed for Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of all ages to make their voices heard on International Day of the Girl 2020. Activities can be completed in one group meeting and focus on introducing advocacy to girls and young women.

The #HearMeNow resource is designed to give girls a space to voice their opinions, and to give leaders tools to listen and support them to take action on causes they care about.

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#HearMeNow social media campaign

Over IDG week, we want to share photos of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts demanding the future they want.

How to take part:

  1. Think about your vision for the future.
  2. Write it down on a sign. We have created a sign for you to use if you want - but feel free to create your own!
  3. Take a picture with your sign and share your vision with other Girl Guides and Girl Scouts by sharing your picture on social media with #HearMeNow, #TeamGirl and by tagging @wagggsworld.

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New digital fundraising platform

We will be running a two week fundraising appeal from 7 – 21 October and supporters will have the choice of six different causes to support, such as the WAGGGS World Centres, scholarships for WAGGGS leadership events, and a hardship fund for Member Organisations – causes which all benefit the girls and young women of the Movement, and give them the tools, skills and platform they need to be heard this International Day of the Girl.

You can view the fundraising site and read more about the causes WAGGGS are supporting this International Day of the Girl here.

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Girl-led advocacy panel discussion

On 11 October, we will be holding a panel discussion on how adults can support girls to advocate for what they are passionate about. A diverse panel will discuss concrete tools that adults (organisations, leaders, parents, etc.) can use to encourage and support girls and young women to start and lead advocacy projects.

IDG panel discussion

When? ​Sunday 11 October, 12 noon UTC / 1pm GMT+1 (UK)

How to register?

​English: https://forms.gle/scj548VPUAagVaEB8

French: https://forms.gle/ckPGYJ5H5rbRZ216A

Spanish: https://forms.gle/FBi23jLEV9bhgS1SA

Arabic: https://forms.gle/EtmPL6wpGxcWVziA6

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We will be launching a U-Report poll on the 9 October to know more about what is important for girls, what their hopes and dreams are and what they want to see in the future. This consultation will provide valuable insight from our global Movement and is a vital component of our #HearMeNow campaign!

The IDG activity pack includes an easy step-by-step guide on how Girl Guides and Girls Scouts can join this poll. We will also launch a global competition targeting young women (18+ years old) and challenging them to mobilise girls to answer this poll and to join U-Report. The winner will join a WAGGGS delegation in a high-level advocacy event to present the results of this consultation. More information will be shared soon.

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Global Research Challenge

This October, as part of the month-long IDG celebrations, GSUSA & WAGGGS will be launching a global challenge to hear from girl members. Girls 18 and under can submit a video (or a photo and text description) about their experiences in Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. In particular, girls can describe their specific experiences around themes such as Sisterhood, Safety and Discovery.

The videos will be used to inform phase two of the Global Girl Research and gain insights into the benefits of Girl Guiding & Girl Scouting across the movement. The Global challenge will launch via WAGGGS social media channels and assets to Member Organisations to forward to girl members. Please watch for additional information in early October. If you have any questions please get in touch.

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New International Day of the Girl merchandise now available to pre-order in our shop!

Join #TeamGirl

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