UN Women

WAGGGS and UN Women unite to stop violence against women and speak out for girls' rights

Stop the Violence, Speak Out for Girls' Rights


Voices Against Violence

In 2013, the non-formal co-educational curriculum 'Voices against Violence', created in partnership with WAGGGS and UN Women, was officially launched. The curriculum is part of WAGGGS Global Advocacy Campaign, "Stop the Violence - Speak out for girls' rights" which aims to end violence against girls and young women through the recognition and empowerment of girls and young women’s rights.

Through non-formal education, the Voices against Violence curriculum empowers girls and young women to understand and assert their rights. It encourages girls and boys, young women and young men to challenge gender stereotypes and the root causes of violence, creating a powerful force for transformation and change.

Throughout 2012, 20 of our Member Organisations piloted the curriculum and since then 60 Member Organisations have attended the ACTIVATE training events which prepare trainers and leaders to deliver the curriculum within their national context.

WAGGGS has been working with UN Women since 2010 and through this partnership WAGGGS was recently granted funding from Zonta International to deliver four regional ACTIVATE training events throughout 2014 and 2015. In total, 200 national trainers will be directly trained by WAGGGS Lead Facilitators and they will then return to their national associations to train 3000 Leaders. These Leaders will deliver the Voices against Violence curriculum to a total of 800,000 Girl Guides, Girl Scouts and young people.

Through the UN Women partnership WAGGGS has been able to offer speaking opportunities at a variety of UN events and conferences to Girl Guides and Girl Scouts who are passionate about gender equality, the empowerment of women and girls and ending violence against girls and young women. UN Women continue to enable the voices of our 8.9 million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to be heard on an international stage.

If you are interested in the Voices against Violence curriculum, please go to our 'Stop the Violence' section where you can find more information about the Pathways for Delivery.


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