Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi (AGESC)
P.O. Box 31
47893, San Marino
Tel: +39 339 8428630
Number of Girl Guides in 2018
Full Member
Girls & Boys
Promise With the help of God I promise on my honour to do my best: To do my duty towards God and towards my country, To help others at any time, To observe the Guide Law.
San Marino Guide Law
- Place their honour in deserving trust
- Are loyal
- Make themselves useful and help others
- Are everyone’s friends and all other Guides’ and Scouts’ sisters and brothers
- Are courteous
- Love and respect nature
- Are obedient
- Smile and sing even in the face of hardship
- Are hard-working and thrifty
- Are pure in thought, word and deed
Development of the Movement
When Boy Scouting was introduced to San Marino in 1973, the benefits the Movement offered to young people were apparent. With the help of the Associazione Guide E Scouts Cattolici Italiani (AGESCI) a Girl Guide unit, made up of a Guide Patrol and a Brownie Circle, was opened in 1974. Soon after, the merged Association, now known as Associazione Guide Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi (AGECS) was set up. From 1974 to 1987 all Guides were part of WAGGGS through AGESCI, paying their quota to WAGGGS through the Italian Association.
Guiding continued to grow, and in 1976 a mixed Ranger/Rover group was opened and in 1977 the Brownies and Cubs joined together to form a mixed group. In 1987 an Agreement of Co-operation was signed between AGESCI and AGECS allowing AGECS members to wear AGESCI uniform, use its publications, and follow its training programme. Expansion in San Marino continued with more units being introduced in 1988. Guiding is now found in all areas of the Republic.