Meet our Regional Committee members, elected by Arab Region Member Organisations.
Sarah Hammoud

This was my first experience as a member of the Arab Region Committee. I got to know more about the MOs in the Arab Region, the various WAGGGS committees and methodology, as well as collaboration with other regions and benefiting from their expertise and experiences. After three years of learning and discovery, I would now like to nominate myself for the next triennial period in order to utilize everything I have learned to take part in the region’s development.
I have enjoyed collaborating with leaders, commissioners and chairs, who have different experiences and capabilities, which makes nature of work in the region distinctive and unique, due to the shared ultimate goal, i.e. The development and enhancement of the region and MOs. In addition, there are many opportunities to support and empower girls and young women, whereas I would like to focus my efforts in the future on providing as many opportunities as possible which meet the needs of guides in the Arab Region. In addition, I would like to transfer my experience in terms of collaboration with other regions and with WAGGGS in a manner which suits the Arab Region and adds more value to our unique activities.
Dr Amal Abdul Rahman Sinan Al Maslamani

My wish lies in becoming a member of the Arab Regional Committee in the coming triennium (2022-2025), to contribute to achieving the vision, the mission, and the lofty goals of WAGGGS. I believe in and keep in mind the vision, mission, and goals, to work hard to contribute with all my abilities and capabilities and work side by side with my fellow members. From among my abilities and capabilities stemming from my convictions, that qualify me to join my fellow members of the Arab Regional Committee, I summarise the following:
• Work to bring about positive change in MOs and the society at large through sustainable development goals.
• Giving girls an opportunity to express and make their voices heard, at the local, Arab, and global levels, by engaging them on issues related to them, as they deserve recognition and respect.
• Promote membership development to retain the Arab Region girl guides and young women.
• Providing support to MOs who are facing challenges to pay Membership fees.
• The ability to participate in the preparation of educational awareness campaigns for mothers from young women and girls and those who are about to marry at an early age in troubled countries. This is to emphasize the importance of post marriage reproductive health and birth control, with the aim of a healthy life, free from diseases, as today’s young women are the leaders of the future.
• Promote and encourage volunteerism and provide roles that are easy for female volunteers to access and work through.
• Support and follow up programmes according to different age groups in accordance with the needs of MOs and the plans of WAGGGS and the Arab Region.
• Work in a team spirit and promote teamwork.
• Adopt new and different ways of work in the global programmes (such as STV and FBM).
• Paying attention to people with special needs (People of Determination) by engaging them with their non-disabled fellows in international and Arab GG/GS programmes as they represent an important segment of the society in each MO.
• Engage girls and young women in the decision-making process and giving them the opportunity to take the lead in leadership programmes at local, Arab, and global levels, to promote their empowerment and continuity and to create an equal world.
Mona Amin
Committee Member

I have a passion and desire to work as a member of the regional committee as I have:
Effective communication skills to support MOs to complete the capacity building tool and improvement plans according to the priorities of each MO while continuing to work on Motion 32 passed at the 36th World Conference for Young Women in Governance. Adopting the general image of the movement while facilitating opportunities for the region to highlight its distinguished contribution to the society by enhancing the level of media coverage as well as the visual image and communication strategies.
Supporting MOs in developing and enhancing their advocacy strategies and building influence in their communities. Ensuring that the Girl Guides Movement is led by girls, where every girl feels confident in terms of leadership and empowerment to create a better world, as I believe that the movement which is led by and for girls is the one through which participation in leadership takes place across generations. Such leadership enables girls from all age groups to have a meaningful role in the decision-making process and allows them to practice advocacy, speak out, and express themselves freely.Enabling girls’ advocacy in society and supporting their leadership role for social benefit by recognizing girls’ capabilities and strengths and trusting them as experts at the personal levels and in public as future leaders.
Ghofrane Ben Hamed
Committee Member

My nomination for membership in the regional committee has several motives, most importantly the ambition towards exerting more effort to promote the region in order to bloom across all countries. My nomination will also be an opportunity to reflect the good image of the region which brings together experts with young women as well as the integration among generations.
Whether my role is a participant or facilitator, I am confident that my nomination for the Regional Committee paves the way to share my experiences, as well as further lessons learned as being part of the committee. I do share the same objective as everyone, i.e., that our region is active, innovative, dynamic, inclusive and close to the various MOs and guides in all Arab countries. Through this nomination, I seek to contribute to translating this into tangible reality. I hope that the committee’s work in the next triennium will be a beacon for all organizations and girls of different ages to find all available means and opportunities to support their capabilities and exercise leadership to build a better tomorrow.
Rihanna Khyther
Committee Member

I joined the Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting Movement at a very early age, went through all the stages, then held all guiding responsibilities that I could assume in Algeria, I was always the youngest in performing these tasks with distinction, with the testimony of everyone.
These experiences have taught me several things, the most important of which is my great love for the Movement and my greater sense of responsibility towards advancing the girl guiding work, making it my responsibility to spread and expand this movement everywhere I reach. This is because of my belief in the educational results and the great importance of this Movement firstly for every Algerian girl, then for every girl on Arab and international levels; As a result, I established several Girl Guides groups in different states of beloved Algeria.
My tasks also taught me, on one hand, to strive to reach out and convey the Movement’s message to as many girls as possible, and on the other hand, these tasks I hold have refined my leadership capabilities at an early age, and made me more able to manage and give, so my ambition became to reach out with my dreams and feelings to every Arab girl who seeks to be an Arab Girl Guide one day, and to enhance my experiences and skills through a regional experience. As for my hopes and aspirations for the Region in the next triennium, firstly, as my goal has always been and which I see at the top of my list of priorities, is to strive for a great spread of the Movement in the Arab world and to develop strong plans and programmes in order to raise Membership numbers as a strategic goal for the triennium.
Secondly, support MOs to advance the girls’ programmes in line with the global developments and today’s needs and challenges, and to support them with special action plans that promote innovation, excellence and leadership among the Arab GGs/GSs. And because the leader is the first building block in achieving this programme, I’m looking at a triennium that pays special attention to this category in terms of training/ qualification, follow-up, developing programmes for them, and preparing them to embrace Girl Guides. If we work hard and work together to achieve all of the above, we are moving steadily to make the Arab Region one of the most important players in contributing to the Compass 2032.
Amani Saif Aljabri
Committee Member

As a current member of the Arab Regional Committee, I have actively participated in the initiation of projects, strategies and guidelines for performing activities across the region, including, but not limited to, developing the description of the region’s volunteer committees, volunteers’ management, and the Arab Flower Medal. This has evolved to include other stages for girl guides and in the future shall include rangers as well, signing up for and developing the region’s social media accounts, in addition to coordinating and developing related requirements in terms of curricula and training in collaboration with the main task force. In addition, I have closely collaborated with a number of MOs to assess their current state and provide necessary support and assistance.
As part of my duties as a committee member, I was frequently asked to develop guidelines and regulations which represent solid foundations for further development to ensure sustainability and effectiveness. I do aspire to start with simple steps towards financial investment across the region to secure a stable income which we can use to support the region’s activities. I also aspire to achieve a larger and more professional content development and outreach through social media channels. I also hope that the volunteers experience will include further enrichment and motivation. In addition, I do hope to form an advisory committee for young women, as well as evaluating and approving the qualifications and curricula of the associations. We have great ambitions and several projects that will have a long-term impact. We have already initiated some projects and it would be great to continue what we started in the upcoming period, as we put all these projects into clear, stable and sustainable frameworks.