The Generation Equality Forum (GEF) convened by UN Women and co chaired by Governments of Mexico and France in collaboration with Civil Society and Youth is a ground breaking, intergenerational and multi-stakeholder global process which will launch concrete, ambitious, and transformative actions and commitments to accelerate the achievement of gender equality.
Chamathya Fernando (27) a member of Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association (SLGGA) is currently serving in the Core Group, highest decision making body for the Generation Equality Forum. She served in the global Beijing+25 Youth Task Force set up by UN Women from August 2019 - September 2020 and currently serves as a member of the Generation Equality Youth Task Force(GEYTF). Speaking at the Closing Ceremony of the GE Forum in Mexico City representing adolescents and young people around the world, Chamathya voiced that “The wait is over. We need to see an equal world now, not in another 100 years. However uncomfortable our voices will be, we will speak out and repeat the demand for what we believe; equality for all“.
Together with Chamathya, Cear Granali (18) a member of Girl Scouts of Philippines (GSP) is co-leading the efforts of WAGGGS in the Generation Equality Youth Journey process to amplify the voices of girls and young women at global and national GEF processes.
Zaineb Dahmoul (21) from Girl Scouts Tunisia (GST) speaking as the only youth panelist at the GEF’s high-level panel on the role of media in building a feminist agenda shared a powerful message emphasizing importance of portrayal of women and girls in media and discrimination faced by women in the media industry. She called out decision makers to implement policies and hold media companies accountable and responsible to ensure ethical and moral reporting about cases of GBV.
"A courageous young leader is not one who is fearless, but one who does the difficult things despite her fears." said Dhanya Night (14) a member of Girl Guides Association of Malaysia (GGAM) speaking at the Global Youth Convening for Generation Equality. Together with Dhanya, Mia Arissa (11) a member of GGAM spoke at the GEF’s Adolescent Girls Panel and demanded decision-makers that “In making sure that each Action Coalition includes girls and adolescents’ issues we need MORE participation of young girls in forums like this. Help them to be HEARD. Help them to UNMUTE.”
For more information about our engagement at GEF, and how you can be involved, please contact: Nafisa Gudal, Advocacy Manager - Email: or Chamathya Fernando, WAGGGS Representative to the GE YTF - Email: