We want to make sure our work achieves our Mission to 'enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.' To do this, we need a robust and transparent governance system in place.
WAGGGS represents a Movement of 153 Member Organisations. We want our members to have a voice in all our strategic decisions. We are led by a strong World Board, who represent the diversity of the Movement and are passionate about empowering girls and young women as leaders and advocates.
This section provides details of our governance system, which has three key features:
- World Conference, the key decision-making body for the Association which meets triennially. All Member Organisations are invited to send two delegates to the conference who vote on policies and standards for the following three years.
- World Board Is made up of 17 active Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting members from around the world who are democratically elected by all Member Organizations at the World Conference. Each region elects a Chair at their Regional Conference every three years and the five Regional Chairs also sit on the World Board.
- World Bureau, the secretariat of WAGGGS, located in London, UK.