
International Commissioner WAGGGS
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Löfte Jag lovar att efter bästa förmåga följa scoutlagen.

Swedish Girl Scout Promise: I promise to do my best to follow the Scout Law.

Swedish Girl Scout Law


Girl Scout Law

  1. En scout visar vördnad för Gud och hans ord
  2. En scout är ärlig och pålitlig
  3. En scout är vänlig och hjälpsam
  4. En scout visar hänsyn och är en god kamrat
  5. En scout möter svårigheter med gott humör.
  6. En scout lär känna och vårdar naturen.
  7. En scout känner ansvar för sig själv och andra‡.
    ‡The word ‘andra’ (others) is a Swedish expression for society, and the clause as a whole means responsibility to the communities in which we live.

  1. A Scout seeks his/her faith and respects the faith of others
  2. A Scout is honest and reliable
  3. A Scout is friendly and helpful
  4. A Scout is considerate to others and trustworthy as a friend
  5. A Scout faces difficulties without complaining
  6. A Scout learns about nature and is concerned with its conservation.
  7. A Scout feels responsibility for herself and others.

Development of the Movement

The first groups of Guides were formed in Sweden as early as 1910, and by 1913 the foundations of Swedish Guiding had been laid.

On 1 January 2013, scouts in Sweden entered a new organisation. The new organisation is called The Guides and Scouts of Sweden and includes all 70 000 Scouts in Sweden.

Scouts in Sweden were previously organised in five different associations which then had an umbrella organisation called the Swedish Guide and Scout Council. The associations varied in size and were organised in different ways but all shared common ground in the Scout method and the values of Scouting. These associations

In the middle of the 1990s discussions started about jointly organising a national camp for all five Scout associations and in 2001 the first Swedish national jamboree was held on the fields of Rinkaby in the municipality of Kristianstad. On the same site were later held another two large camps, Jiingijamborii and the the World Scout Jamboree 2011. These camps were all important steps in welding together our movement, where the different associations met and united in the preparatory work.

In the years following the first joint camp, a common strategy for the future of Scouting in Sweden, a common programme, common training modules and a common Scout uniform were all worked out. Working towards the creation of one united organisation has been a natural step after this.

In November 2012 the first general meeting was held for the new organisation.

What was the difference?

  • The organisation of the Swedish Guide and Scout Association was restructured and became the Guides and Scouts of Sweden.
  • All Scout Groups were connected to the new united organisation. All members and Scout Groups now belong to the same organisation: the Guides and Scouts of Sweden.
  • Other associations still exist and have signed agreements of cooperation with the Guides and Scouts of Sweden. These associations are :
  1. Svenska Scoutförbundet (SSF)
  2. SMU Scout (SMU-S)
  3. Kfuk Och Kfums Scoutförbund (KFUK-KFUM)
  4. Frälsningsarméns Scoutförbund (FA)
  5. Nykterhetsrörelsens Scoutförbund (NSF)
  • Scout Groups received more influence in the organisation through direct representation at the general meeting of the Guides and Scout of Sweden.
  • It became easier for more Scouts to participate in the democratic processes.
  • More groups can run Scouting with a specific profile, for example: temperance Scouting. For all organisations that already exist and that want to start Scouting as a part of their activities, there is now a possibility to join as a co-operating organisation.
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