Magyar Cserkészlány Szövetség
International Commissioner WAGGGS
Attila út 35
1013, Hungary
Tel / Fax: +36 33 1240 2002
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Number of Girl Guides in 2015
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Girls only
Promise Fogadom, hogy hiven teljesitem kötelességeimet, amelyekkel Istennek, hazámnak és embertársaimnak tartozom. Minden tölem telhetöt megteszek, hog másoknak segitsek. Ismerem a cserkésztörvényt, és azt mindenkor megtartom.
Hungarian Guide Law
- A cserkészlány egyeneslelkü, és feltétlenül igazat mond
- A cserkészlány hiven teljesíti kötelességeit
- A cserkészlány ahol tud, segit
- A cserkészlány minden cserkészt testvérének tekint
- A cserkészlány gyöngéd másokkal, szigoru önmagával szemben
- A cserkészlány szereti a természetet, jó az állatokhoz, kiméli a növényeket
- A cserkészlány vezetöivel tevékenyen és készségesen müködik együtt
- A cserkészlány vidám és meggondolt
- A cserkészlány takarékos
- A cserkészlány testben és lélekben tiszta
Girl Guide Law (English)
- A Girl Guide is straightforward and tells the truth
- A Girl Guide carries out her duties
- A Girl Guide helps others whenever she can
- A Girl Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide
- A Girl Guide is courteous to others and controls herself
- A Girl Guide loves nature, is a friend to animals and cares for plants
- A Girl Guide is ready to co-operate with her leaders actively
- A Girl Guide is always happy and circumspect
- A Girl Guide is thrifty
- A Girl Guide is pure in body and soul.
Development of the Movement
The first Guide group in Hungary was set up in 1919. The National Association of Hungarian Girl Guides was founded in 1921 and recognized as a member of the International Council, the forerunner of WAGGGS, in 1922. In 1928, the Hungarian Girl Guides Association acted as hostess to the Fifth International Conference of Guiding when the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts was founded. In 1939, the first Girl Guide/Girl Scout World Camp, Pax Ting, was held in Hungary and attended by some 4,000 Guides from around the world.
During the war years of 1939 to 1945 the Movement was involved in relief work in hospitals and helping refugees. With the siege of the capital, the Association’s activities were suspended. Guiding activities resumed after the war, but in 1948 the government banned all youth organizations and the Association was forced to cease functioning for the next 40 years.
The first attempts to reorganize the Movement started in 1988 as a response to political change in Hungary. In 1989 Magyar Cserkészleány Szövetség (the Association of Hungarian Girl Guides) was re-launched. A Central Committee concentrated on training potential leaders. In 1996, there were twenty troops, mostly working in schools.