We involve Member Organizations and the voice of girls and young women in our operations and key decisions.
We aim to increase the participation of girls, young women and Member Orgnizations in our decision making through Regional Conferences, committees and working groups with volunteers and leaders from the Region.
Regional Conference
The European Guide Conference (Regional Conference) brings together Member Organizations every three years. During the Conference, senior volunteers and staff from across the Region celebrate achievements of the past three years and discuss strategies for the future development of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting.
The Conference also elects six volunteers to the Europe Committee who work closely with the Europe Region staff based in Brussels.
Working Groups
At the start of each Triennium, the Region engages with new volunteers support our work. Each group has a particular focus to support the implementation of the Strategic plan and these volunteer groups are:
The Mentors and Countries Group assists the development of strategies to support Associations who wish to develop Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in their country.
Communications and External Representative Group
Members of the Communications Group help deliver the targets outlined in the Europe Region Strategy based on WAGGGS’ Vision and Mission. Working with our social media platforms, this Group aims to increase WAGGGS’ visibility and to showcase the Region’s work.
Members of the External Representatives Group represent WAGGGS at European conferences, seminars and in the statutory youth structures at European level. They contribute to discussions and policy developments on European youth policy and a range of topics relevant to Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting, including recognition of non-formal education and volunteering.
The Trainers and Events Group supports the planning and delivery of regional activities and projects.
The Diversity Task Force helps map the current situation in the Europe Region and then plans a step-by-step strategy according to the needs of Member Organizations with regards to increasing the diversity of the Movement in Europe. Through consultation with Member Organizations, it aims to collect feedback to build a diversity strategy and also to engage Member Organizations in a debate on diversity.