The Girl Guides Association of Namibia

Chief Commissioner
PO Box 6368


  • Number of Girls Icon


    Number of Girl Guides in 2018

  • Full/Associate Member Icon


    Full Member

  • Girls Only Icon

    Girls only


I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God and to my country, To help other people at all times, and to keep the Guide Law

Namibia Guide Promise

Namibia Guide Law

  1. A Guide is to be trusted
  2. A Guide is loyal
  3. A Guide is helpful
  4. A Guide is friendly
  5. A Guide is polite and thoughtful of others
  6. A Guide cares for the earth and living things
  7. A Guide is obedient
  8. A Guide is brave and cheerful
  9. A Guide is thrifty
  10. A Guide is pure in all that she thinks, says and does

Development of the Movement

Guiding was established in the Territory of South West Africa (known as Namibia since 1968) in 1923 as a Region of the Girl Guides Association of South Africa. During the years 1985 to 1990 when the political independence of Namibia was being discussed by the world community, the Girl Guides Association of South Africa assisted the region of Namibia in its preparation to become an independent organisation.

In 1990 when Namibia became an independent sovereign country, the Girl Guides Association of Namibia was established. In 1993, the national organisation became an Associate Member of WAGGGS.

In 1999 the Girl Guides Association of Namibia was granted Full Membership of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. The national headquarters are based in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. Since then, the Association has worked steadily towards the development of its own structure and the namibianisation of its programme. In 2003, a new structure was approved and the Association has since worked towards the realization of that structure.

In 2007 the revised Constitution was approved by WAGGGS. This was followed by the revision of the Terms of Reference which details the leadership profiles of the Association. In December 2008, the Training Scheme was accredited by WAGGGS. Attention has been given to the training of young guide leaders as the future leaders of the Association. Several young guide leaders have recently attended JLS seminars, as well as Training for Trainers and Co-operative Workshops of the South South Partnership. They have also been part of the delegations to Africa Region meetings and to World Conferences. The value of these experiences has already been shown in the Association.

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