Do you want to help empower girls and young women in the Africa Region? Support our work by becoming a Friend of Africa or donating to our project work.
Be a Friend of Africa
Friends of the WAGGGS Africa Region are supporters and individual donors who want to promote the growth and development of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting in Africa.
What will your support achieve?
- Enable girls and young women in one of the poorest regions in the world to discover their potential and become confident leaders.
- Provide opportunities for girls and young women currently not in formal education to develop essential life skills.
- Fund community projects
- Give young women opportunity to attend and actively participate in international non-governmental organization and United Nations events
- Assist countries that are working towards membership of WAGGGS.
By becoming a "Friend of the Africa Region" you'll be joining our group of supporters who make an annual gift to help Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting grow in Africa.
Your support will make a real difference to peoples' lives .

Fund project work with girls and young women in Africa
In partnership with Membership Organizations in Africa, WAGGGS implements diffferent projects to empower girls and young women and support their skills and leadership development.
Current projects include the YESS Girls Movement. Previous projects inlclude the Internet Safety Project, Fit for Life, Fit for Work and the Anaemia education project among others.