Funding available to deliver the Plastics Tide Turners Challenge Badge

17 janvier 2020
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We're inviting you to apply for a grant to help you to deliver the new Plastics Tide Turners Challenge Badge Toolkit

Tide Turners has recently been developed as part of UN Environment’s Clean Seas Campaign to educate young people about plastic pollution and to encourage them to play a part in resolving pressing environmental issues. Tide Turners is part of the YUNGA Challenge Badge series developed by UN entities and global youth organisations including WAGGGS.

We are close to finalising a small-scale grant agreement under this project, which will provide funding to MOs for girls to complete the Tide Turners Challenge Toolkit. Girls will need to gather minimum points to move between the entry, leader and champion levels. Because of the short time frame of the project, we are asking MOs to complete the entry-level activities with the girls as agreed in the grant document. The funding must be used between January 2020 to March 2020.

Member Organisations receiving grant funding must agree to:

  • Submit a work plan, including the predicted number of girls reached and key activities (e.g. training events)
  • Use the funding for the purposes as shown in the application
  • Promote the programme to girls and leaders to encourage participation
  • Report once a month on the number of girls enrolled and level completed
  • Reach number of girls in agreement and ensure girl guides complete the entry level in the toolkit
  • Send photos and videos of activities
  • Send testimonials of girls participation and activism
  • Support WAGGGS and UNEP to run focus groups and interviews for evaluation

Please download the application pack to learn more about the programme and how to apply for a grant.

The programme will run from January 2020 to March 2020.

The deadline for the application is February 6, 2020. If there are sufficient funds remaining there may be additional funding rounds later in 2020, but this is not guaranteed.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

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