The Asociación de Guías Scouts de Venezuela
Sede Nacional
Av. Libertador
Edf. La Línea.,Torre A, Piso 3.,Apto. 34-A,
Urb. La Florida, Apartado Postal 63054
Caracas, Venezuela
Email: /
Facebook: | Tel: +582 127931108
Number of girl guides in 2018
Girls only
I promise on my honour to do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people at all times, and To obey the Guide Law.
Guide Law
- A Guide is loyal and deserves trust
- A Guide is useful and helps others
- A Guide is understanding and generous
- A Guide is a sister to every other Girl Guide
- A Guide is courteous
- A Guide sees in nature the work of God
- A Guide knows how to obey
- A Guide is courageous and cheerful under difficulties
- A Guide is thrifty and tidy
- A Guide is pure in all she thinks, says and does
I promise to do my best: To fulfil my duties to God and my country, To do someone a good turn every day, especially those at home.
Little Fairy Law
- A Little Fairy obeys and listens to her elders
- A Little Fairy pleases others before herself
Development of the Movement
Guiding began in Venezuela in 1958 when the Asociación de Muchachas Guías de Venezuela was founded in Caracas. In 1959 several companies were formed elsewhere in the country, and the first Guide rally and the first National Assembly were held. In 1972 the Association changed its name to the Asociación de Guías Scouts de Venezuela.