Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Costa Rica
Comisionada Internacional
Avenida 10 Calles 13 Y 15
San José, 2223 1000
Costa Rica
Email: | Website:
Tel: +506 222 29898
Number of girl guides in 2018
Girls only
I promise on my honour to do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To help my neighbours under all circumstances, and To obey the Guide/Scout Law.
Guide/Scout Law
Guide and Scouts are:
- HONOURABLE: She/he is honest to her/himself and to others in all she/he does
- LOYAL: She/he is loyal to God, her/his country, her/his parents, her/his leaders, her/his subordinates and companions
- HELPFUL: She/he helps others without expecting a reward
- FRIENDLY: She/he is a friend to all and a sister/brother to every Guide/Scout without distinction of creed, race, nationality or social class
- COURTEOUS: She/he shows appreciation and consideration of others
- KIND: She/he sees the work of God in nature and tries to conserve it
- OBEDIENT: She/he accepts legitimate authority and obeys in a rational way
- CHEERFUL: She/he is optimistic and cheerful even in the face of difficulty
- HARDWORKING: She/he puts to good use the products of her/his own word and is careful with the possessions of others; she/he does things tidily and completely
- PURE: She/he is pure in her/his thoughts words and deeds.
I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God and my country, To obey the Brownie Law, and To help other people every day, especially those at home.
Brownie Guide Law
A Brownie listens to and obeys her leader.
A Brownie is self-controlled.
Development of the Movement
Guiding in Costa Rica started in 1922 when a Guide company was opened in the Girls’ Secondary School of San José. By 1944 Guiding had spread to other areas of the country and the Asociación de Guías de Costa Rica was established. After a period of decline, fresh impetus was given to the Association in 1965 when a member of the Western Hemisphere Committee visited the country to advise the National Committee. This was followed by a visit from a WAGGGS Travelling Commissioner.
In 1974 talks began with the Boy Scout Association of Costa Rica on a possible merger. A Liaison Committee was set up with representatives from the two National Committees to study possible ways of work and to prepare a draft Constitution and Regulations. After a series of meetings an agreement was drawn up and accepted by both Associations. By 1977 all plans for the merger were implemented and the administrative structure was in operation.